1 // Code for the -*- C++ -*-
5 #include <Sequence/Coalescent/TreeOperations.hpp>
16 template<typename uniform_generator>
17 void add_S_inf_sites_details( uniform_generator & uni ,
18 marginal::const_iterator history,
20 const int & beg, const int & end,
21 const int & nsam, const int & nsites,
23 const int & first_snp_index,
24 gamete_storage_type * gametes )
30 for(std::vector<std::string>::size_type snp = std::vector<std::string>::size_type(first_snp_index) ;
31 snp < std::vector<std::string>::size_type(first_snp_index+S) ; ++snp)
33 double pos = uni(beg,end)/double(nsites);
34 gametes->first[snp]=pos;
35 int branch = pick_branch(history,nsam,uni(0.,tt));
36 for(std::vector<std::string>::size_type ind=0;
37 ind<std::vector<std::string>::size_type(nsam);
40 if( is_descendant(history,int(ind),branch) )
42 gametes->second[ind][snp] = '1';
46 gametes->second[ind][snp] = '0';
52 template<typename poisson_generator,
53 typename uniform_generator>
54 std::vector<std::string>::size_type infinite_sites_details( poisson_generator & poiss,
55 uniform_generator & uni,
56 gamete_storage_type * gametes,
61 typedef std::vector<std::string>::size_type RTYPE;
65 arg::size_type seg=0,nsegs=history.size();
66 arg::const_iterator i = history.begin(),j=i;
68 for( ; seg < nsegs ; ++i,++j,++seg)
70 double tt = total_time(i->begin(),i->nsam);
71 int end = (seg<nsegs-1) ? j->beg : nsites;
73 double mean = double(end-beg)*theta*tt/double(nsites);
79 while(ttlS >= MAX_SEGSITES)
86 gametes->first.resize(MAX_SEGSITES);
87 for(typename std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr =
88 gametes->second.begin() ;
89 itr < gametes->second.end() ;
92 itr->resize(MAX_SEGSITES);
95 add_S_inf_sites(uni,i->begin(),tt,beg,end,i->nsam,nsites,
96 S,snp_index_i,gametes);
100 std::sort(gametes->first.begin(),
101 gametes->first.begin()+std::vector<std::string>::difference_type(ttlS));
105 template<typename uniform_generator>
106 std::vector<std::string>::size_type infinite_sites_details( uniform_generator & uni,
107 gamete_storage_type * gametes,
110 const double * total_times,
111 const unsigned * segsites )
113 typedef std::vector<std::string>::size_type RTYPE;
114 arg::size_type seg=0,nsegs = history.size();
115 arg::const_iterator i=history.begin(),
119 for( ; seg < nsegs ; ++seg,++i,++j )
121 if( *(segsites+seg) > 0 )
124 while(ttlS + RTYPE(*(segsites+seg)) > MAX_SEGSITES)
131 gametes->first.resize(MAX_SEGSITES);
132 for(typename std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr =
133 gametes->second.begin() ;
134 itr < gametes->second.end() ;
137 itr->resize(MAX_SEGSITES);
140 int end = (seg<nsegs-1) ? j->beg : nsites;
142 add_S_inf_sites(uni,i->begin(),*(total_times+seg),
143 beg,end,i->nsam,nsites,
144 *(segsites+seg),ttlS,gametes);
146 ttlS += *(segsites+seg);
148 std::sort(gametes->first.begin(),
149 gametes->first.begin()+std::vector<std::string>::difference_type(ttlS));
155 template<typename poisson_generator,
156 typename uniform_generator>
157 SimData infinite_sites_sim_data_details( poisson_generator & poiss,
158 uniform_generator & uni,
161 const double & theta)
163 std::vector<unsigned> segsites(history.size());
164 std::vector<double> total_times(history.size());
165 arg::const_iterator i = history.begin(),j=i;
167 size_t nsegs = history.size();
168 for(size_t seg = 0 ; seg < nsegs ; ++seg,++i,++j)
170 int end = (seg<nsegs-1) ? j->beg : nsites;
172 total_times[seg] = total_time(i->begin(),i->nsam);
173 //segsites[seg] = unsigned(poiss(std::cref(total_times[seg]*theta*double(end-beg)/double(nsites))));
174 segsites[seg] = unsigned(poiss(total_times[seg]*theta*double(end-beg)/double(nsites)));
176 return infinite_sites_sim_data(uni,nsites,history,&total_times[0],&segsites[0]);
179 template<typename uniform_generator>
180 SimData infinite_sites_sim_data_details( uniform_generator & uni,
183 const double * total_times,
184 const unsigned * segsites )
186 assert(total_times != NULL);
187 assert(segsites != NULL);
188 const unsigned S = std::accumulate(segsites,segsites+history.size(),0u);
191 unsigned nsam = unsigned(history.begin()->nsam);
192 std::vector<std::string> d(nsam,std::string(S,' '));
193 std::vector<double> pos(S);
194 auto pos_i = pos.begin();
195 unsigned seg=0,nsegs = unsigned(history.size());
196 arg::const_iterator i=history.begin(),
200 //const double zero=0.;
201 for( ; seg < nsegs ; ++seg,++i,++j )
203 if( *(segsites+seg) > 0 )
205 int end = (seg<nsegs-1) ? j->beg : nsites;
207 const double tt = *(total_times+seg);
208 for(unsigned snp = unsigned(ttlS) ; snp < unsigned(ttlS)+*(segsites+seg) ; ++snp)
210 double pos = uni(beg,end)/double(nsites);
212 int branch = pick_branch(i->begin(),nsam,uni(0.,tt));
213 for(unsigned ind=0;ind<nsam;++ind)
215 if( is_descendant(i->begin(),int(ind),branch) )
225 ttlS += *(segsites+seg);
228 std::sort(pos.begin(),pos.end());
229 return SimData(std::move(pos),std::move(d));
233 template<typename uniform_generator>
234 void add_S_inf_sites ( uniform_generator & uni ,
235 marginal::const_iterator history,
237 const int & beg, const int & end,
241 const int & first_snp_index,
242 gamete_storage_type * gametes )
244 @brief Add S segregating sites to sample with a particular marginal history, according
245 to the infinitely-many sites model.
247 This routine places a fixed number of segregating sites on a marginal history that
248 begins at position \a beg and ends at position \a end-1.
249 Mutations are assigned positions randomly on the continuous, half-open interval
250 [ beg/L,end/L ), where L = nsites-1.
252 \param uni a uniform random number generator that takes two doubles as arguments
253 \param history the history onto which mutations will be placed
254 \param tt the total time on \a history
255 \param beg the first site in the history (0 <= beg < nsites)
256 \param end the last site in the history ( beg < end < nsites )
257 \param nsam the total sample size being simulated
258 \param nsites the number of mutational sites simulated
259 \param S the number of mutations to drop on \a history
260 \param first_snp_index the index at which mutations will begin to be added into \a gametes
261 \param gametes a container in which you are storing the mutations.
262 Must be allocated in the calling environment.
266 return add_S_inf_sites_details(uni,history,tt,beg,end,nsam,nsites,S,first_snp_index,gametes);
269 template<typename uniform_generator>
270 void add_S_inf_sites ( const uniform_generator & uni ,
271 marginal::const_iterator history,
273 const int & beg, const int & end,
277 const int & first_snp_index,
278 gamete_storage_type * gametes )
280 @brief Add S segregating sites to sample with a particular marginal history, according
281 to the infinitely-many sites model.
283 This routine places a fixed number of segregating sites on a marginal history that
284 begins at position \a beg and ends at position \a end-1.
285 Mutations are assigned positions randomly on the continuous, half-open interval
286 [ beg/L,end/L ), where L = nsites-1.
288 \param uni a uniform random number generator that takes two doubles as arguments
289 \param history the history onto which mutations will be placed
290 \param tt the total time on \a history
291 \param beg the first site in the history (0 <= beg < nsites)
292 \param end the last site in the history ( beg < end < nsites )
293 \param nsam the total sample size being simulated
294 \param nsites the number of mutational sites simulated
295 \param S the number of mutations to drop on \a history
296 \param first_snp_index the index at which mutations will begin to be added into \a gametes
297 \param gametes a container in which you are storing the mutations.
298 Must be allocated in the calling environment.
302 return add_S_inf_sites_details(uni,history,tt,beg,end,nsam,nsites,S,first_snp_index,gametes);
305 template<typename poisson_generator,
306 typename uniform_generator>
307 int infinite_sites( poisson_generator & poiss,
308 uniform_generator & uni,
309 gamete_storage_type * gametes,
312 const double & theta )
314 @brief Apply the infinitely-many sites mutation model to an ancetral recombination graph
315 \param poiss a Poisson random number generator which takes the mean of the poisson as an argument
316 \param uni a uniform random number generator that takes two doubles as an argument
317 \param gametes object in which to store the simulated gametes
318 \param nsites the length of the region begin simulated
319 \param history the list of marginal histories for the sample
320 \param theta the coalescent-scaled mutation rate
321 \return the number of mutations placed on the tree
325 return infinite_sites_details(poiss,uni,gametes,nsites,history,theta);
328 template<typename poisson_generator,
329 typename uniform_generator>
330 int infinite_sites( const poisson_generator & poiss,
331 const uniform_generator & uni,
332 gamete_storage_type * gametes,
335 const double & theta )
337 @brief Apply the infinitely-many sites mutation model to an ancetral recombination graph
338 \param poiss a Poisson random number generator which takes the mean of the poisson as an argument
339 \param uni a uniform random number generator that takes two doubles as an argument
340 \param gametes object in which to store the simulated gametes
341 \param nsites the length of the region begin simulated
342 \param history the list of marginal histories for the sample
343 \param theta the coalescent-scaled mutation rate
344 \return the number of mutations placed on the tree
348 return infinite_sites_details(poiss,uni,gametes,nsites,history,theta);
351 template<typename uniform_generator>
352 int infinite_sites( uniform_generator & uni,
353 gamete_storage_type * gametes,
356 const double * total_times,
357 const unsigned * segsites )
359 @brief Apply the infinitely-many sites mutation model to an ancetral recombination graph with
360 a fixed number of segregating sites
361 \param uni a uniform random number generator that takes two doubles as an argument
362 \param gametes object in which to store the simulated gametes
363 \param nsites the length of the region begin simulated
364 \param history the list of marginal histories for the sample
365 \param total_times the total times on each marginal tree in \a history
366 \param segsites the number of segregating sites to place on each tree
367 \return the number of mutations placed on the tree
368 \note \a total_times and \a segsites must contain a number of elements equal to history.size()
372 return infinite_sites_details(uni,gametes,nsites,history,total_times,segsites);
375 template<typename uniform_generator>
376 int infinite_sites( const uniform_generator & uni,
377 gamete_storage_type * gametes,
380 const double * total_times,
381 const unsigned * segsites )
383 @brief Apply the infinitely-many sites mutation model to an ancetral recombination graph with
384 a fixed number of segregating sites
385 \param uni a uniform random number generator that takes two doubles as an argument
386 \param gametes object in which to store the simulated gametes
387 \param nsites the length of the region begin simulated
388 \param history the list of marginal histories for the sample
389 \param total_times the total times on each marginal tree in \a history
390 \param segsites the number of segregating sites to place on each tree
391 \return the number of mutations placed on the tree
392 \note \a total_times and \a segsites must contain a number of elements equal to history.size()
396 { return infinite_sites_details(uni,gametes,nsites,history,total_times,segsites);
399 template<typename poisson_generator,
400 typename uniform_generator>
401 SimData infinite_sites_sim_data( poisson_generator & poiss,
402 uniform_generator & uni,
405 const double & theta)
407 @brief Apply the infinitely-many sites mutation model to an ancetral recombination graph
408 \param poiss a Poisson random number generator which takes the mean of the poisson as an argument
409 \param uni a uniform random number generator that takes two doubles as an argument
410 \param nsites the length of the region begin simulated
411 \param history the list of marginal histories for the sample
412 \param theta the coalescent-scaled mutation rate
413 \return an object of type SimData that represent the sample. (the gametes are also
414 stored in \a gametes). The SimData object can be passed directly into class PolySIM
419 return infinite_sites_sim_data_details(poiss,uni,nsites,history,theta);
422 template<typename poisson_generator,
423 typename uniform_generator>
424 SimData infinite_sites_sim_data( const poisson_generator & poiss,
425 const uniform_generator & uni,
428 const double & theta)
430 @brief Apply the infinitely-many sites mutation model to an ancetral recombination graph
431 \param poiss a Poisson random number generator which takes the mean of the poisson as an argument
432 \param uni a uniform random number generator that takes two doubles as an argument
433 \param nsites the length of the region begin simulated
434 \param history the list of marginal histories for the sample
435 \param theta the coalescent-scaled mutation rate
436 \return an object of type SimData that represent the sample. (the gametes are also
437 stored in \a gametes). The SimData object can be passed directly into class PolySIM
442 return infinite_sites_sim_data_details(poiss,uni,nsites,history,theta);
445 template<typename uniform_generator>
446 SimData infinite_sites_sim_data( uniform_generator & uni,
449 const double * total_times,
450 const unsigned * segsites)
452 @brief Apply the infinitely-many sites mutation model to an ancetral recombination graph with
453 a fixed number of segregating sites
454 \param uni a uniform random number generator that takes two doubles as an argument
455 \param nsites the length of the region begin simulated
456 \param history the list of marginal histories for the sample
457 \param total_times the total times on each marginal tree in \a history
458 \param segsites the number of segregating sites to place on each tree
459 \return an object of type SimData that represent the sample.
461 \note \a total_times and \a segsites must contain a number of elements equal to history.size()
465 return infinite_sites_sim_data_details(uni,nsites,history,total_times,segsites);
468 template<typename uniform_generator>
469 SimData infinite_sites_sim_data( const uniform_generator & uni,
472 const double * total_times,
473 const unsigned * segsites)
475 @brief Apply the infinitely-many sites mutation model to an ancetral recombination graph with
476 a fixed number of segregating sites
477 \param uni a uniform random number generator that takes two doubles as an argument
478 \param nsites the length of the region begin simulated
479 \param history the list of marginal histories for the sample
480 \param total_times the total times on each marginal tree in \a history
481 \param segsites the number of segregating sites to place on each tree
482 \return an object of type SimData that represent the sample.
484 \note \a total_times and \a segsites must contain a number of elements equal to history.size()
488 return infinite_sites_sim_data_details(uni,nsites,history,total_times,segsites);