libsequence  1.9.5 File Reference

Examples of using Sequence::polySiteVector. More...

#include <Sequence/polySiteVector.hpp>
#include <Sequence/PolySites.hpp>
#include <Sequence/stateCounter.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>

Go to the source code of this file.


double local_maf (const polymorphicSite &p)
std::vector< std::string::size_type > local_has_missing (const polymorphicSite &p)
int main (int argc, char **argv)

Detailed Description

Examples of using Sequence::polySiteVector.

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;
using namespace Sequence;
//uses the "classic" stateCounter to determine MAF
double local_maf( const polymorphicSite & p )
stateCounter sc = for_each(p.second.begin(),
unsigned mcount = numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
mcount = sc.a ? min(mcount,sc.a) : mcount;
mcount = sc.g ? min(mcount,sc.g) : mcount;
mcount = sc.c ? min(mcount,sc.c) : mcount;
mcount = sc.t ? min(mcount,sc.t) : mcount;
return double(mcount)/double(p.second.size()-sc.n);
std::vector<std::string::size_type> local_has_missing( const polymorphicSite & p )
typedef std::vector<std::string::size_type> rvtype;
rvtype rv;
string::size_type f = p.second.find('N');
while (f != string::npos)
f = p.second.find('N',f+1);
return rv;
int main( int argc, char ** argv )
//Can use C++11 initializer lists
//polymorphicSite is a typedef for pair<double,string>
polySiteVector x{ polymorphicSite(1.,"AAAT"),polymorphicSite(2.,"GANG") };
//Print the data
cout << "The data:\n";
for( auto _x : x )
cout << _x.first << ' ' << _x.second << '\n';
//Calculate MAFs
vector<double> mafs;
for_each( x.begin(),x.end(), [&mafs](const polymorphicSite & __p){ mafs.push_back(local_maf(__p)); } );
cout << "The minor allele frequencies:\n";
for( auto __maf : mafs )
cout << __maf << '\n';
//Reverse the order of the segregating sites by sort.
//With "classic" PolyTables, this could not be done, b/c access to polymorphicSites was const-only
sort(x.begin(),x.end(),[](const polymorphicSite & lhs,
const polymorphicSite & rhs) { return lhs.first > rhs.first; });
cout << "The data after sorting:\n";
for( auto _x : x )
cout << _x.first << ' ' << _x.second << '\n';
//Who has missing data?
std::vector<std::string::size_type> missing;
for_each(x.begin(),x.end(),[&missing](const polymorphicSite & __p) {
std::vector<std::string::size_type> __temp = local_has_missing(__p);
cout << "Index of individuals with missing data:\n";
for( auto __m : missing )
cout << __m << '\n';
//Delete sites with MAF <= 0.25
x.erase( remove_if(x.begin(),x.end(),[](const polymorphicSite & __p){ return local_maf(__p) <= 0.25; } ),x.end() );
cout << "The data after applying MAF filter:\n";
for( auto _x : x )
cout << _x.first << ' ' << _x.second << '\n';
//Convert to a PolySites
PolySites ps(x.begin(),x.end());
cout << "Print out the classic object:\n"
<< ps << '\n';

Definition in file