libsequence  1.9.5
Sequence Namespace Reference

The namespace in which this library resides. More...


 Routines fundamental to aligned data.
 Routines for coalescent simulation.
 Methods dealing with recombination.


struct  _PolySNPImpl
class  AlignStream
 Virtual interface to alignment streams. More...
class  AlleleCountMatrix
 Matrix representation of allele counts in a VariantMatrix To be constructed. More...
struct  AlleleCounts
struct  ambiguousNucleotide
 Tests if a character is in the set A,G,C,T. More...
class  ClustalW
 ClustalW streams. More...
struct  col_view_iterator
 Iterator for column views. More...
class  Comeron95
 Ka and Ks by Comeron's (1995) method. More...
struct  ComplementBase
struct  countDerivedStates
 Functor to count the number of derived states, excluding gaps and missing data, in a range of characters. More...
class  Fasta
 FASTA sequence stream. More...
class  fastq
class  FST
 analysis of population structure using $F_{ST}$ More...
struct  GarudStats
class  Grantham
 Grantham's distances. More...
class  GranthamWeights2
 Weights paths by Grantham's distances for codons differing at 2 sites. More...
class  GranthamWeights3
 Weights paths by Grantham's distances for codons differing at 3 sites. More...
struct  HKAdata
 Data from a single locus for an HKA test. More...
struct  HKAresults
 results of calculations of the HKA test More...
struct  invalidPolyChar
 This functor can be used to determine if a range contains characters that the SNP analysis routines in this library cannot handle gracefully. More...
class  Kimura80
 Kimura's 2-parameter distance. More...
class  nmuts
 Calculate the number of mutations at a polymorphic site. More...
struct  nSLiHS
struct  PairwiseLDstats
 Pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) stats

. More...

class  phylipData
class  PolySIM
 Analysis of coalescent simulation data. More...
class  PolySites
 Polymorphism tables for sequence data. More...
class  PolySNP
 Molecular population genetic analysis. More...
class  PolyTable
 The base class for polymorphism tables. More...
class  PolyTableSlice
 A container class for "sliding windows" along a polymorphism table. More...
class  RedundancyCom95
 Calculate redundancy of a genetic code using Comeron's counting scheme. More...
class  Seq
 Abstract interface to sequence objects. More...
class  shortestPath
 Calculate shortest path between 2 codons. More...
class  SimData
 Data from coalescent simulations. More...
class  SimParams
 Parameters for Hudson's simulation program. More...
class  SimpleSNP
 SNP table data format. More...
class  SingleSub
 Deal with codons differing at 1 position. More...
class  Sites
 Calculate length statistics for divergence calculations. More...
class  stateCounter
 keep track of state counts at a site in an alignment or along a sequence More...
struct  StateCounts
 Track character state occurrence at a site in a VariantMatrix. More...
class  Sums
class  ThreeSubs
 Deal with codons differing at all 3 positions. More...
class  TwoSubs
 Deal with codons differing at 2 positions. More...
class  Unweighted2
 weights all pathways equally More...
class  Unweighted3
 weights all pathways equally More...
class  VariantMatrix
 Matrix representation of variation data. More...
class  WeightingScheme2
 abstract interface to weighting schemes when codons differ at 2 positions More...
class  WeightingScheme3
 abstract interface to weighting schemes when codons differ at 3 positions More...


using Com95_t = std::array< double, 19 >
using Inter2_t = std::array< std::string, 2 >
using Inter3_t = std::array< std::string, 9 >
using polymorphicSite = std::pair< double, std::string >
using polySiteVector = std::vector< polymorphicSite >
using alphabet_t = std::array< const char, 16 >
 Container type for nucleotide alphabets.
typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::string, int > > CodonUsageTable
using RowView = internal::row_view_< std::int8_t * >
 View of a VariantMatrix row (a variable site)
using ConstRowView = internal::row_view_< const std::int8_t * >
 Const view of a VariantMatrix row (a variable site)
using ColView = internal::col_view_< std::int8_t * >
 View of a VariantMatrix column ("haplotype")
using ConstColView = internal::col_view_< const std::int8_t * >
 Const view of a VariantMatrix column ("haplotype")


enum  GeneticCodes : std::int16_t { UNIVERSAL }
enum  Mutations : std::int8_t { Unknown, Ts, Tv }


template<typename T >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &s, AlignStream< T > &c)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const AlignStream< T > &c)
template<typename POINTER >
col_view_iterator< POINTER > operator+ (col_view_iterator< POINTER > i, typename col_view_iterator< POINTER >::difference_type d)
template<typename POINTER >
col_view_iterator< POINTER > operator+ (typename col_view_iterator< POINTER >::difference_type d, col_view_iterator< POINTER > i)
template<typename POINTER >
col_view_iterator< POINTER > & operator++ (col_view_iterator< POINTER > &i)
template<typename POINTER >
col_view_iterator< POINTER > operator- (col_view_iterator< POINTER > i, typename col_view_iterator< POINTER >::difference_type d)
template<typename POINTER >
col_view_iterator< POINTER > operator- (typename col_view_iterator< POINTER >::difference_type d, col_view_iterator< POINTER > i)
template<typename POINTER >
col_view_iterator< POINTER > & operator-- (col_view_iterator< POINTER > &i)
template<typename POINTER >
col_view_iterator< POINTER > & operator+= (col_view_iterator< POINTER > &i, typename col_view_iterator< POINTER >::difference_type d)
template<typename POINTER >
col_view_iterator< POINTER > & operator-= (col_view_iterator< POINTER > &i, typename col_view_iterator< POINTER >::difference_type d)
template<typename POINTER >
col_view_iterator< POINTER >::difference_type operator- (col_view_iterator< POINTER > i, col_view_iterator< POINTER > j)
CodonUsageTable makeCodonUsageTable (const Seq *sequence)
CodonUsageTable makeCodonUsageTable (const std::string &sequence)
CodonUsageTable makeCodonUsageTable (std::string::const_iterator beg, std::string::const_iterator end)
Mutations TsTv (const char &i, const char &j)
Mutations TsTv (const int &i, const int &j)
bool Different (const std::string &seq1, const std::string &seq2, const bool &skip_missing=true, const bool &nucleic_acid=true)
int NumDiffs (const std::string &seq1, const std::string &seq2, const bool &skip_missing=true, const bool &nucleic_acid=true)
bool Gapped (const std::string &s)
template<typename Iterator >
bool Gapped (Iterator beg, Iterator end, const char &gapchar='-')
bool NotAGap (const char &c)
template<typename key , typename value >
std::vector< std::pair< key, value > > operator+ (const std::vector< std::pair< key, value > > &lhs, const std::vector< std::pair< key, value > > &rhs)
template<typename key , typename value >
std::vector< std::pair< key, value > > operator+= (std::vector< std::pair< key, value > > &lhs, const std::vector< std::pair< key, value > > &rhs)
template<typename key , typename value , typename comparison >
std::map< key, value, comparison > operator+ (const std::map< key, value, comparison > &lhs, const std::map< key, value, comparison > &rhs)
template<typename key , typename value , typename comparison >
std::map< key, value, comparison > operator+= (std::map< key, value, comparison > &lhs, const std::map< key, value, comparison > &rhs)
template<typename iterator >
double mean (iterator beg, iterator end)
template<typename iterator >
double variance (iterator beg, iterator end)
template<typename ForwardIterator >
std::pair< double, double > meanAndVar (ForwardIterator beg, ForwardIterator end)
template<typename T >
const Sums< T > operator+ (const Sums< T > &lhs, const Sums< T > &rhs)
template<typename T >
const Sums< T > operator+ (const Sums< T > &lhs, const T &rhs)
class __attribute__ ((deprecated)) countStates
 Functor to count the number of states, excluding gaps and missing data, in a range of characters. More...
HKAresults calcHKA (const std::vector< HKAdata > &data)
Inter2_t Intermediates2 (const std::string &codon1, const std::string &codon2)
 Calculate the intermediate codons between a pair of codons diverged at 2 positions. More...
Inter3_t Intermediates3 (const std::string &codon1, const std::string &codon2)
 Calculate the intermediate codons between a pair of codons diverged at 3 positions. More...
polySiteVector make_polySiteVector (const Sequence::PolyTable &data) __attribute__((deprecated))
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &s, PolyTable &c)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, const PolyTable &c)
bool containsCharacter (const PolyTable *t, const char ch) __attribute__((deprecated))
bool polyTableValid (const PolyTable *t) __attribute__((deprecated))
template<typename T >
copyPolyTable (const T &t)
template<typename T , typename F >
removeColumns (const T &t, const F &f, const bool skipAnc=false, const unsigned anc=0, const char gapchar='-') __attribute__((deprecated))
template<typename T >
removeGaps (const T &t, const bool skipAnc=false, const unsigned anc=0, const char gapchar='-') __attribute__((deprecated))
template<typename T >
removeInvariantPos (const T &t, const bool skipAnc=false, const unsigned anc=0, const char gapchar='-') __attribute__((deprecated))
template<typename T >
removeAmbiguous (const T &t, const bool skipAnc=false, const unsigned anc=0, const char gapchar='-') __attribute__((deprecated))
template<typename T >
removeMissing (const T &t, const bool skipAnc=false, const unsigned anc=0, const char gapchar='-') __attribute__((deprecated))
template<typename T >
removeMultiHits (const T &t, const bool skipAnc=false, const unsigned anc=0, const char gapchar='-') __attribute__((deprecated))
template<typename T >
polyTableToBinary (const T &t, const unsigned ref=0, const char gapchar='-') __attribute__((deprecated))
template<typename T >
polyTableFreqFilter (const T &t, const unsigned mincount, const bool skipAnc=false, const unsigned anc=0, const char gapchar='-') __attribute__((deprecated))
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Seq &c)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &s, Seq &c)
bool isDNA (const char &ch)
 test if character is part of Sequence::dna_alphabet More...
template<typename Iter >
bool validSeq (Iter beg, Iter end, const char *_pattern=Sequence::basic_dna_alphabet, const bool icase=true)
template<typename Iterator >
std::map< typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type, unsigned > makeCountList (Iterator beg, Iterator end)
template<typename Iterator >
bool internalGapCheck (Iterator beg, Iterator end, const char &gapchar='-', const unsigned &mod=3)
std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > mutsShortestPath (const std::string &codon1, const std::string &codon2, const Sequence::GeneticCodes &code=GeneticCodes::UNIVERSAL)
std::pair< unsigned, shortestPath::pathTypediffType (const std::string &codon1, const std::string &codon2, const Sequence::GeneticCodes &code=GeneticCodes::UNIVERSAL)
std::tuple< shortestPath::pathType, shortestPath::pathType, shortestPath::pathTypediffTypeMulti (const std::string &codon1, const std::string &codon2, const Sequence::GeneticCodes &code=GeneticCodes::UNIVERSAL)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &s, SimParams &c)
std::vector< StateCountsprocess_variable_sites (const VariantMatrix &m, const std::vector< std::int8_t > &refstates)
std::vector< StateCountsprocess_variable_sites (const VariantMatrix &m, const std::int8_t refstate)
std::vector< StateCountsprocess_variable_sites (const VariantMatrix &m)
GarudStats H1H12 (const SimData &d) __attribute__((deprecated))
std::vector< double > lHaf (const SimData &data, const double l)
std::pair< double, double > nSL (const std::size_t &core, const SimData &d, const std::unordered_map< double, double > &gmap=std::unordered_map< double, double >()) __attribute__((deprecated))
double Snn_statistic (const unsigned individuals[], const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &dkj, const unsigned config[], const size_t &npop, const unsigned &nsam) __attribute__((deprecated))
template<typename shuffler >
std::pair< double, double > Snn_test (const PolyTable &snpTable, const unsigned config[], const size_t &npop, shuffler &s, const unsigned &nperms=10000) __attribute__((deprecated))
template<typename shuffler >
std::vector< std::vector< double > > Snn_test_pairwise (const PolyTable &snpTable, const unsigned config[], const size_t &npop, shuffler &s, const unsigned &nperms=10000) __attribute__((deprecated))
std::vector< AlleleCountsallele_counts (const AlleleCountMatrix &m)
 Count number of alleles at each site. More...
std::vector< AlleleCountsnon_reference_allele_counts (const AlleleCountMatrix &m, const std::int8_t refstate)
 Count number of non-reference alleles at each site. More...
std::vector< AlleleCountsnon_reference_allele_counts (const AlleleCountMatrix &m, const std::vector< std::int8_t > &refstates)
 Count number of non-reference alleles at each site. More...
double tajd (const AlleleCountMatrix &ac)
 Tajima's D. More...
double hprime (const AlleleCountMatrix &ac, const std::int8_t refstate)
double hprime (const AlleleCountMatrix &m, const std::vector< std::int8_t > &refstates)
double faywuh (const AlleleCountMatrix &ac, const std::int8_t refstate)
 Fay and Wu's H. More...
double faywuh (const AlleleCountMatrix &ac, const std::vector< std::int8_t > &refstates)
 Fay and Wu's H. More...
std::vector< std::int32_t > difference_matrix (const VariantMatrix &m)
 Calculate number of differences between all samples. More...
std::vector< std::int32_t > is_different_matrix (const VariantMatrix &m)
std::vector< std::int32_t > label_haplotypes (const VariantMatrix &m)
 Assign a unique label to each haplotype. More...
std::int32_t number_of_haplotypes (const VariantMatrix &m)
 Calculate the number of haplotypes in a sample. More...
double haplotype_diversity (const VariantMatrix &m)
 Calculate the haplotype diversity of a sample. More...
std::int32_t rmin (const VariantMatrix &m)
GarudStats garud_statistics (const VariantMatrix &m)
 Calculate H1, H12, and H2/H1. More...
double diversity_from_counts (const std::unordered_map< std::int32_t, std::int32_t > &counts, const std::size_t nsam)
 Calculate heterozygosity/diversity from count data. More...
std::vector< TwoLocusCounts > two_locus_haplotype_counts (const VariantMatrix &m, std::size_t sitei, const std::size_t sitej, const bool skip_missing)
nSLiHS nsl (const VariantMatrix &m, const std::size_t core, const std::int8_t refstate)
 nSL and iHS statistics More...
std::uint32_t nvariable_sites (const AlleleCountMatrix &m)
 Number of polymorphic sites. More...
std::uint32_t nbiallelic_sites (const AlleleCountMatrix &m)
 Number of bi-allelic sites. More...
std::uint32_t total_number_of_mutations (const AlleleCountMatrix &m)
 Total number of mutations in the sample. More...
double thetah (const AlleleCountMatrix &ac, const std::int8_t refstate)
 Fay and Wu's $\hat\theta_H$. More...
double thetah (const AlleleCountMatrix &m, const std::vector< std::int8_t > &refstates)
 Fay and Wu's $\hat\theta_H$. More...
double thetal (const AlleleCountMatrix &ac, const std::int8_t refstate)
 Zeng et al. $\hat\theta_L$. More...
double thetal (const AlleleCountMatrix &m, const std::vector< std::int8_t > &refstates)
 Zeng et al. $\hat\theta_L$. More...
double thetapi (const AlleleCountMatrix &ac)
 Mean pairwise differences. More...
double thetaw (const AlleleCountMatrix &ac)
 Watterson's theta. More...
template<typename T >
bool all_missing (const T &t)
std::string Translate (std::string::const_iterator beg, std::string::const_iterator end, Sequence::GeneticCodes genetic_code=GeneticCodes::UNIVERSAL, const char &gapchar='-')
std::int32_t filter_sites (VariantMatrix &m, const std::function< bool(const RowView &)> &f)
std::int32_t filter_haplotypes (VariantMatrix &m, const std::function< bool(const ColView &)> &f)
template<typename streamtype >
VariantMatrix from_msformat (streamtype &input_stream)
 Create VariantMatrix from "ms"-like input format. More...
template<typename output_stream >
void to_msformat (const VariantMatrix &m, output_stream &o)
 Write VariantMatrix in "ms" format. More...
VariantMatrix make_window (const VariantMatrix &m, const double beg, const double end)
 Return a window from a VariantMatrix. More...
VariantMatrix make_slice (const VariantMatrix &m, const double beg, const double end, const std::size_t i, const std::size_t j)
 Return a slice from a VariantMatrix. More...
ConstRowView get_RowView (const VariantMatrix &m, const std::size_t row)
 Return a ConstRowView from VariantMatrix m at row row. std::out_of_range is thrown if row is out of range.
RowView get_RowView (VariantMatrix &m, const std::size_t row)
ConstRowView get_ConstRowView (const VariantMatrix &m, const std::size_t row)
 Return a ConstRowView from VariantMatrix m at row row. std::out_of_range is thrown if row is out of range.
ConstRowView get_ConstRowView (VariantMatrix &m, const std::size_t row)
 Return a ConstRowView from VariantMatrix m at row row. std::out_of_range is thrown if row is out of range.
ColView get_ColView (VariantMatrix &m, const std::size_t col)
 Return a ColView from VariantMatrix m at col col. std::out_of_range is thcoln if col is out of range.
ConstColView get_ColView (const VariantMatrix &m, const std::size_t col)
 Return a ConstColView from VariantMatrix m at col col. std::out_of_range is thcoln if col is out of range.
ConstColView get_ConstColView (VariantMatrix &m, const std::size_t col)
 Return a ConstColView from VariantMatrix m at col col. std::out_of_range is thcoln if col is out of range.
ConstColView get_ConstColView (const VariantMatrix &m, const std::size_t col)
 Return a ConstColView from VariantMatrix m at col col. std::out_of_range is thcoln if col is out of range.
polySiteVector rotatePolyTable (const Sequence::PolyTable *data)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, class SimParams &object)
set< string > uhaps (d.begin(), d.end())
vector< string > vuhaps (uhaps.size())
hapcounts reserve (uhaps.size())
 for (auto &uh :uhaps)
 for (auto c :hapcounts)
 sort (hapcounts.begin(), hapcounts.end(), std::bind(greater< double >(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2))
return GarudStats (H1, H12, H2H1)
double Dij (const polymorphicSite &p, const std::vector< unsigned > &config, const unsigned &i, const unsigned &j)
double Gmin (const polySiteVector &, const std::vector< unsigned > &)
void fst (const VariantMatrix &m, const std::vector< std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t >> &partitions)
nSLiHS nslx (const VariantMatrix &m, const std::size_t core, const std::int8_t refstate, const int x)
PairwiseLDStats pairwise_ld_details (const VariantMatrix &m, const std::size_t i, const std::size_t j, const std::int8_t refstate)
std::vector< PairwiseLDStats > pairwise_ld (const Sequence::VariantMatrix &m, const std::int8_t refstate)
template<typename T >
std::int32_t filter_common (VariantMatrix &m, const std::function< bool(const T &)> &f, const std::function< T(VariantMatrix &, const std::size_t)> &viewmaker, std::size_t &dim)


class __attribute__((deprecated)) SimpleSNP typedef SimpleSNP Hudson2001
const alphabet_t dna_alphabet
 Alphabet for DNA sequences Valid DNA characters. Upper-case only. Only - is accepted as gap characters. More...
const alphabet_t dna_poly_alphabet
 Alphabet for polymorphism (SNP) analysis. 16 characters are used so that we may encode 2 nucleotides in a 8-bit integer. More...
const alphabet_t::size_type NOTPOLYCHAR = dna_poly_alphabet.size()
 An index from dna_poly_alphabet >= this is not a valid character for variation analysis.
const alphabet_t::size_type POLYEOS
 The value of terminating an encoded string of SNP data. More...
const unsigned SEQMAXUNSIGNED = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()
const double SEQMAXDOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
const char * basic_dna_alphabet = "[^AGTCN\\-]"
const char * full_dna_alphabet = "[^AGCTNXMRWSKVHDB\\-]"
const char * pep_alphabet = "[^ARNDBCQEZGHILKMFPSTWYV\\-]"
vector< double > hapcounts
const double denom = static_cast<double>(d.size() * (d.size() - 1))
double H1 = 0.0
double H12
double H2H1

Detailed Description

The namespace in which this library resides.

The entirety of this library is defined in namespace Sequence.

Typedef Documentation

◆ CodonUsageTable

typedef std::vector< std::pair<std::string,int> > Sequence::CodonUsageTable

A CodonUsageTable is a vector of pairs. In each pair, the first element is the codon, and the second element is an integer counting the number of occurrences of the codon

Definition at line 43 of file typedefs.hpp.

◆ polymorphicSite

using Sequence::polymorphicSite = typedef std::pair< double, std::string >

For polymorphism data, a Site can be represented as a position (a double) and the characters at that positions (a std::string)

Definition at line 45 of file polySiteVector.hpp.

◆ polySiteVector

using Sequence::polySiteVector = typedef std::vector< polymorphicSite >

A polymorphism data set can be represented as a vector containing a sequence of polymorphicSite

Definition at line 51 of file polySiteVector.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ GeneticCodes

enum Sequence::GeneticCodes : std::int16_t

Only UNIVERSAL (= 0) is currently supported. The order of the genetic codes is that of NCBI's code tables, available at

Definition at line 40 of file SeqEnums.hpp.

◆ Mutations

enum Sequence::Mutations : std::int8_t

Values: Unknown=0,Ts, and Tv.
Unknown means unknown, Ts means transition, Tv means transversion

Definition at line 45 of file SeqEnums.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ __attribute__()

class Sequence::__attribute__ ( (deprecated)  )

Functor to count the number of states, excluding gaps and missing data, in a range of characters.

begbeginning of a range of characters
endend of a range of characters
haveOutgrouptrue of one of the elements of site is an outgroup state, false otherwise
outgroupthe index of the outgroup sequence in site
will return an empty object if beg>=end or beg+outgroup>=end
_ssha value of ssh to increment
sitean object representing the value type of PolyTable::const_site_iterator
haveOutgrouptrue of one of the elements of site is an outgroup state, false otherwise
outgroupthe index of the outgroup sequence in site

Data type to store site positions

Data type for storing genotypes

non-const reference to std::string

const reference to std::string

The size_type for the haplotype vector

non-const iterator to the haplotypes

const iterator to the haplotypes

non-const iterator to the positions

const iterator to the positions

Const iterator to segregating sites Const iterator to segregating sites. The value_type of this iterator is const std::pair<double,std::string>, where the double is the position of the segregating site, and the string the list of states at the site. The first character in the string corresponds to the state of the first character in the PolyTable (i.e. (*this)[0]), etc.

an iterator pointing to the first "haplotype"
an iterator pointing the end of the "haplotypes"
a const iterator pointing to the first "haplotype"
a const iterator pointing the end of the "haplotypes"
a const iterator pointing to the first "haplotype"
a const iterator pointing the end of the "haplotypes"
iterator to first position
iterator to end of positions
const iterator to first position
const iterator to end of positions
const iterator to first position
const iterator to end of positions
const iterator to first column (position, variants)
const iterator to end of columns
const iterator to first column (position, variants)
const iterator to first column (position, variants)

Convenience function to return site positions

Conventience function to return data. Each string is a "haplotype".

Comparison operator. Case-sensitive

Not-equal operator. Case-sensitive

Move assignment

Copy assignment

Return the i-th element of PolyTable::data.

range-checking done by assert()

Return the i-th element of PolyTable::data.

range-checking done by assert()
true if object contains no data, false otherwise

Assignment operation, allowing a range of polymorphic sites to be assigned to a polymorphism table. This exists mainly for two purposes. One is the ability to assign tables from "slices" of other tables. Second is to facilitate the writing of "sliding window" routines.

true if the assignment was successful, false otherwise. The only case where false is returned is if the number of individuals at each site is not the constant from beg to end.

Assign data to object

true if successful

Move data to object

true if successful
Sample size
the i-th position from the PolyTable::positions.
the number of positions (columns)

read is a pure virtual function. Calls to istream & operator>> (istream & s, PolyTable & c) act via this routine, which must be defined in all derived classes

print is a pure virtual function. Calls to ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, PolyTable & c) act via this routine, which must be defined in all derived classes

begbeginning of a range of characters
endend of a range of characters
haveOutgrouptrue of one of the elements of site is an outgroup state, false otherwise
outgroupthe index of the outgroup sequence in site
will return an empty object if beg>=end or beg+outgroup>=end
_ssha value of ssh to increment
sitean object representing the value type of PolyTable::const_site_iterator
haveOutgrouptrue of one of the elements of site is an outgroup state, false otherwise
outgroupthe index of the outgroup sequence in site

Data type to store site positions

Data type for storing genotypes

non-const reference to std::string

const reference to std::string

The size_type for the haplotype vector

non-const iterator to the haplotypes

const iterator to the haplotypes

non-const iterator to the positions

const iterator to the positions

Const iterator to segregating sites Const iterator to segregating sites. The value_type of this iterator is const std::pair<double,std::string>, where the double is the position of the segregating site, and the string the list of states at the site. The first character in the string corresponds to the state of the first character in the PolyTable (i.e. (*this)[0]), etc.

an iterator pointing to the first "haplotype"
an iterator pointing the end of the "haplotypes"
a const iterator pointing to the first "haplotype"
a const iterator pointing the end of the "haplotypes"
a const iterator pointing to the first "haplotype"
a const iterator pointing the end of the "haplotypes"
iterator to first position
iterator to end of positions
const iterator to first position
const iterator to end of positions
const iterator to first position
const iterator to end of positions
const iterator to first column (position, variants)
const iterator to end of columns
const iterator to first column (position, variants)
const iterator to first column (position, variants)

Convenience function to return site positions

Conventience function to return data. Each string is a "haplotype".

Comparison operator. Case-sensitive

Not-equal operator. Case-sensitive

Move assignment

Copy assignment

Return the i-th element of PolyTable::data.

range-checking done by assert()

Return the i-th element of PolyTable::data.

range-checking done by assert()
true if object contains no data, false otherwise

Assignment operation, allowing a range of polymorphic sites to be assigned to a polymorphism table. This exists mainly for two purposes. One is the ability to assign tables from "slices" of other tables. Second is to facilitate the writing of "sliding window" routines.

true if the assignment was successful, false otherwise. The only case where false is returned is if the number of individuals at each site is not the constant from beg to end.

Assign data to object

true if successful

Move data to object

true if successful
Sample size
the i-th position from the PolyTable::positions.
the number of positions (columns)

read is a pure virtual function. Calls to istream & operator>> (istream & s, PolyTable & c) act via this routine, which must be defined in all derived classes

print is a pure virtual function. Calls to ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, PolyTable & c) act via this routine, which must be defined in all derived classes

Definition at line 41 of file FST.hpp.

◆ all_missing()

template<typename T >
bool Sequence::all_missing ( const T &  t)

Returns true if all elements in t encode missing data. T should be a model of a VariantMatrix, RowView, or ColumnView

Definition at line 18 of file util.hpp.

◆ containsCharacter()

bool Sequence::containsCharacter ( const PolyTable t,
const char  ch 
true if t contains ch, false otherwise

Definition at line 33 of file

◆ Different()

bool Sequence::Different ( const std::string &  seq1,
const std::string &  seq2,
const bool &  skip_missing,
const bool &  nucleic_acid 

Ask if two strings are different. While this can normally be done by asking if (seq1 != seq2) {}, missing data poses a problem here. If skip-missing == 1, missing data (the 'N' character for nucleotide data, 'X' for amino acid) are not used to determine if the sequences are different. If nucleic_acid ==1, nucleotide data are assumed, if nucleic_acid==0, protein data are assumed.

true if the seqs are different, false otherwise. If the two sequences are of different length, true is returned.

Definition at line 98 of file

◆ diffType()

std::pair< unsigned, shortestPath::pathType > Sequence::diffType ( const std::string &  codon1,
const std::string &  codon2,
const Sequence::GeneticCodes code 
codon1a std::string of length 3 representing a codon
codon2a std::string of length 3 representing a codon
codethe genetic code to use in translating the codons
a std::pair<unsigned,shortestPath::pathType>. The first member of the pair takes a value of either 0,1, or 2, depending on the site at which the two codons differ (1st, 2nd, or 3rd position, respectively). If the codons differ at more than 1 site, or contain characters other that {A,G,C,T}, the first member will be set to Sequence::SEQMAXUNSIGNED. The second member will have the value Sequence::shortestPath::pathType::N if the change is nonsynonymous, Sequence::shortestPath::pathType::S if synonymous, Sequence::shortestPath::shortestPath::pathType::NONE if the codons don't differ, and Sequence::shortestPath::pathType::AMBIG if any of the codons contain characters other than {A,G,C,T}.
(codon1.length()==3 && codon2.length() == 3)

Definition at line 425 of file

◆ diffTypeMulti()

std::tuple< shortestPath::pathType, shortestPath::pathType, shortestPath::pathType > Sequence::diffTypeMulti ( const std::string &  codon1,
const std::string &  codon2,
const Sequence::GeneticCodes code 
a tuple representing the type of single position changes between codon1 and codon2. There is one value in the tuple for each codon position.
The values are assigned as follows: For each position in codon1, and 2, swap the i-th state between the two codons. If this results in a replacement change in both cases, record shortestPath::N. If it's synonymous in both cases, record shortestPath::S. If the swap results in no change at all (i.e. the two bases are identical), record shortestPath::pathType::NONE. For all other cases, record shortestPath::AMBIG. This function is most useful at identifying mutations that can be unambiguously classifies as silent or replacement. Note that, if one considers the pathways possible between codons, all sites can be assigned as N or S. For such applications, use Sequence::shortestPath.

Definition at line 478 of file

◆ diversity_from_counts()

double Sequence::diversity_from_counts ( const std::unordered_map< std::int32_t, std::int32_t > &  counts,
const std::size_t  nsam 

Calculate heterozygosity/diversity from count data.

countsa vector counts.
nsamthe sample size
diversity = 1 - homozygosity

Definition at line 10 of file

◆ Gapped() [1/2]

bool Sequence::Gapped ( const std::string &  s)

Ask if the std::string contains a gap character.

true if the string contains gaps, false otherwise
The only gap character checked so far is '-'. Use template version for other gap characters

Definition at line 184 of file

◆ Gapped() [2/2]

template<typename Iterator >
bool Sequence::Gapped ( Iterator  beg,
Iterator  end,
const char &  gapchar = '-' 
began iterator
endan iterator
gapchara character representing an aligment gap
true if gapchar is present in the range [beg,end), false otherwise

Definition at line 58 of file Comparisons.hpp.

◆ garud_statistics()

GarudStats Sequence::garud_statistics ( const VariantMatrix m)

Calculate H1, H12, and H2/H1.

mA VariantMatrix

See [4] for details.

Definition at line 26 of file

◆ internalGapCheck()

template<typename Iterator >
bool Sequence::internalGapCheck ( Iterator  beg,
Iterator  end,
const char &  gapchar = '-',
const unsigned &  mod = 3 

This function checks a range for internal gaps that meet a certain length requirement. The requirement is that lengthmod == 0. The value true is returned if this is not the case, false otherwise. One use of this function may be to check that the internal gaps in an aligned cds sequence are all multiples of 3 in length.

Definition at line 86 of file SeqUtilities.hpp.

◆ is_different_matrix()

std::vector< std::int32_t > Sequence::is_different_matrix ( const VariantMatrix m)

Returns whether or not haplotypes differ.

mA VariantMatrix

This function is conceptually indentical to difference_matrix, but the return value contains 0 = identical, 1 = different rather than the actual number of differences. Thus, it is faster to calculate when the binary answer is needed.

Definition at line 45 of file

◆ make_slice()

VariantMatrix Sequence::make_slice ( const VariantMatrix m,
const double  beg,
const double  end,
const std::size_t  i,
const std::size_t  j 

Return a slice from a VariantMatrix.

mA VariantMatrix
begBeginning of window
endEnd of window
iindex of first haplotype to include
jone past last haplotype to include

The result is a variant matrix including positions [beg,end] and samples [i,j) from m. Note that the sample interval is half-open!

Definition at line 34 of file

◆ make_window()

VariantMatrix Sequence::make_window ( const VariantMatrix m,
const double  beg,
const double  end 

Return a window from a VariantMatrix.

mA VariantMatrix
begBeginning of window
endEnd of window
The window intervals are open, [beg,end]

Definition at line 6 of file

◆ makeCodonUsageTable() [1/3]

CodonUsageTable Sequence::makeCodonUsageTable ( const Seq sequence)
sequenceand object of type Sequence::Seq1
and object of type Sequence::CodonUsageTable
Assumes first character of sequence is a first codon position.

Definition at line 81 of file

◆ makeCodonUsageTable() [2/3]

CodonUsageTable Sequence::makeCodonUsageTable ( const std::string &  sequence)
sequenceand object of type std::string
and object of type Sequence::CodonUsageTable
Assumes first character of sequence is a first codon position

Definition at line 91 of file

◆ makeCodonUsageTable() [3/3]

CodonUsageTable Sequence::makeCodonUsageTable ( std::string::const_iterator  beg,
std::string::const_iterator  end 
bega const_iterator to the beginning of a std::string or Sequence::Seq
enda const_iterator to the end of a std::string or Sequence::Seq
and object of type Sequence::CodonUsageTable
beg and end can be adjusted to point to the first at last positions in a CDS

Definition at line 101 of file

◆ makeCountList()

template<typename Iterator >
std::map< typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type, unsigned > Sequence::makeCountList ( Iterator  beg,
Iterator  end 
began iterator
endan iterator
a std::map< type, unsigned >, where type is the iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type of Iterator. The keys are the (unique) elements present in the range, and the unsinged values the numbers of times each element occurs occur
This function can be used as an alternative to Sequence::stateCounter if you want to count more than just strict DNA characters.

Definition at line 61 of file SeqUtilities.hpp.

◆ meanAndVar()

template<typename ForwardIterator >
std::pair<double,double> Sequence::meanAndVar ( ForwardIterator  beg,
ForwardIterator  end 

A function to calculate the mean and variance of the values stored in a container. The rationale is that when both the mean and the variance (an sum of squares) are needed, it is more efficient to calculate them together, because you only go over the data once.

◆ NotAGap()

bool Sequence::NotAGap ( const char &  c)
true if a c is not a gap character, false otherwise.
Currently, only '-' is considered to be a gap character

Definition at line 196 of file

◆ NumDiffs()

int Sequence::NumDiffs ( const std::string &  seq1,
const std::string &  seq2,
const bool &  skip_missing,
const bool &  nucleic_acid 
seq1A string representing a sequence
seq2A string representing a sequence
skip_missingIf true, missing data characters will not be counted as differences
nucleic_acid.If true, n/N are the missing data symbol. If false, x/X.
the number of differences between two std::strings. Can skip missing data in the same fashion as Comparisons::Different. If one sequence is shorter than the other, -1 is returned

Definition at line 141 of file

◆ polyTableValid()

bool Sequence::polyTableValid ( const PolyTable t)
true if the following conditions are met : First, the length of every row in the table is equal to the length of the vector of positions. Second, all of the characters in the data are members of the set {A,G,C,T,N,-} (case-insensitive).

This function is useful if you play around with PolyTable objects in non-const contexts, or read them in from files and need to check that the data are compatible with other routines in this library. This routine can be thought of as a PolyTable equivalent to Alignment::validForPolyAnalysis, which works on ranges of Sequence::Seq objects.

Definition at line 48 of file

◆ Snn_statistic()

double Sequence::Snn_statistic ( const unsigned  individuals[],
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  dkj,
const unsigned  config[],
const size_t &  npop,
const unsigned &  nsam 

Test statistic from Hudson (2000) Genetics 155(4):2011

Definition at line 28 of file

◆ TsTv() [1/2]

Mutations Sequence::TsTv ( const char &  i,
const char &  j 

Takes two chars, assumed to be nucleotides. The integer returned by this function is a member of the enumeration type Sequence::Mutations.

Definition at line 35 of file

◆ TsTv() [2/2]

Mutations Sequence::TsTv ( const int &  i,
const int &  j 

Takes two ints, assumed to be integer representations of nucleotides. The conversion of int to nucleotide is via Sequence::dna_alphabet

Definition at line 71 of file

◆ validSeq()

template<typename Iter >
bool Sequence::validSeq ( Iter  beg,
Iter  end,
const char *  _pattern = Sequence::basic_dna_alphabet,
const bool  icase = true 
began iterator to the beginning of a range
endan iterator to the end of a range
_patternthe (complement of the) alphabet as a regular expression.
icasedefaults to case insensitive matching. Pass "false" to make matching case sensitive The character set is complemented because we test for not in the alphabet
true if beg and end define a range of valid characters. The range is valid if and only if all characters in the range are present in the pattern (i.e. are not part of the set of characters that complement the pattern)

Definition at line 55 of file SeqRegexes.hpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ basic_dna_alphabet

const char* Sequence::basic_dna_alphabet = "[^AGTCN\\-]"

A regex for the complement of the minimal DNA alphabet

Definition at line 40 of file SeqRegexes.hpp.

◆ full_dna_alphabet

const char* Sequence::full_dna_alphabet = "[^AGCTNXMRWSKVHDB\\-]"

A regex for the complement of a complete DNA alphabet


Definition at line 45 of file SeqRegexes.hpp.

◆ GarudStats

Initial value:
if (d.empty())
return GarudStats()

H1 is total haplotype homozygosity. H2 is haplotype homozygosity, combining two most common haplotypes. H2 = H1 + 2p1p2 H2H1 = H2/H1, where H2 is haplotype homozygosity for all but most common haplotype. H2H1 = (H1 - p1^2)/H1

Definition at line 22 of file

◆ H12

double Sequence::H12
Initial value:
= H1
+ 2. * hapcounts[0] * hapcounts[1]
/ std::pow(double(d.size()), 2.)

Definition at line 45 of file

◆ H2H1

double Sequence::H2H1
Initial value:
= (H1
- double(hapcounts[0] * (hapcounts[0] - 1))
/ double(d.size() * (d.size() - 1)))
/ H1

Definition at line 48 of file

◆ Hudson2001

class __attribute__ ((deprecated)) SimpleSNP typedef SimpleSNP Sequence::Hudson2001

The two bools that this constructor takes allow you to deal with two very different types of polymorphism data. If both bools are set to 0 (the default), the data are simply read in as they are. However, if diploid == 1, then if n sequences are read in, the data are assumed to be diploid (make sense...), and are converted into 2n strings. Further, if heterozygous bases are encoutered (R,W, etc.), the two possible states are arbitrarily assigned to each sequence.

If isofemale==1, it is assumed that the data represent real haplotype data (i.e. phase is known). The name for the bool comes from the fact that data gathered from Drosophila lines is often obtained from isofemale stocks, making them homozygous such that the phase of each SNP is known. If a heterozygous base is found, one of the two possible states will be assigned randomly (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!)

Definition at line 67 of file SimpleSNP.hpp.

◆ pep_alphabet

const char* Sequence::pep_alphabet = "[^ARNDBCQEZGHILKMFPSTWYV\\-]"

A regex for the complement of an amino acid alphabet

Definition at line 50 of file SeqRegexes.hpp.


const double Sequence::SEQMAXDOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()

The maximum value of an double

Definition at line 36 of file


const unsigned Sequence::SEQMAXUNSIGNED = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()

The maximum value of an unsinged integer.

Definition at line 32 of file