libsequence  1.9.5
1 /*
3 Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Kevin Thornton, krthornt[]@[]
5 Remove the brackets to email me.
7 This file is part of libsequence.
9 libsequence is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 (at your option) any later version.
14 libsequence is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 long with libsequence. If not, see <>.
22 */
24 #include <cmath>
25 #include <cfloat>
26 #include <cassert>
27 #include <utility>
28 #include <cstdlib>
29 #include <cctype>
30 #include <set>
31 #include <limits>
32 #include <algorithm>
33 #include <functional>
34 #include <Sequence/PolyTable.hpp>
35 #include <Sequence/Comparisons.hpp>
37 #include <Sequence/PolySNP.hpp>
40 #include <Sequence/PolySNPimpl.hpp>
42 using std::string;
43 using namespace Sequence::Recombination;
45 namespace Sequence
46 {
47  struct uniqueSeq
48  : public std::binary_function<std::string, std::string, bool>
49  {
50  inline bool
51  operator()(const std::string &l, const std::string &r) const
52  {
53  // use Sequence::Different to prevent missing sites
54  // causing 2 sequences to be labelled as distinct
55  // return ( Different(l,r) &&
56  // std::lexicographical_compare(l.begin(),l.end(),r.begin(),r.end(),lt_nocase())
57  // );
58  return (Different(l, r)
59  && std::lexicographical_compare(
60  l.begin(), l.end(), r.begin(), r.end(),
61  [](const char &__a, const char __b) {
62  return (std::toupper(
63  static_cast<unsigned char>(__a))
64  < std::toupper(
65  static_cast<unsigned char>(__b)));
66  }));
67  }
68  };
69  _PolySNPImpl::_PolySNPImpl(const Sequence::PolyTable *data,
70  const bool &haveOutgroup,
71  const unsigned &outgroup, const bool &totMuts)
72  : _data(data), _nsites(data->numsites()),
73  _nsam(unsigned(data->size())), _outgroup(outgroup),
74  _haveOutgroup(haveOutgroup), _totMuts(totMuts),
75  _totsam(unsigned(data->size())), _DVK(0), _DVH(1.0),
76  _counted_singletons(false), _know_pi(false), _CalculatedDandV(false),
77  _pi(0.), _singletons(0), _walls_Bprime(0), _NumPoly(0), _walls_B(0.),
78  _walls_Q(0.), _calculated_wall_stats(false),
79  _counts(std::vector<Sequence::stateCounter>(
80  _nsites, Sequence::stateCounter('-'))),
81  _derivedCounts(std::vector<std::pair<bool, stateCounter>>(
82  _nsites,
83  std::make_pair<bool, stateCounter>(true, stateCounter('-')))),
84  _preprocessed(false)
85  {
86  if (haveOutgroup)
87  --_totsam; // because one sequence in data is an outgroup!
88  preprocess();
89  }
91  void
108  {
109  if (!_preprocessed)
110  {
111  for (unsigned site = 0; site < _nsites; ++site)
112  {
113  for (unsigned seq = 0; seq < _nsam; ++seq)
114  {
115  // process counts w/o respect to
116  // ancestral or derived
117  if (!_haveOutgroup
118  || (_haveOutgroup && seq != _outgroup))
119  {
120  _counts[site]((*_data)[seq][site]);
121  }
122  // process derived states if outgroup is
123  // present
124  if (_haveOutgroup == true)
125  {
126  // if outgroup state is missing data
127  // or a gap
128  // set the bool for that site to false
129  if (std::toupper(
130  (*_data)[_outgroup][site])
131  == 'N'
132  || (*_data)[_outgroup][site]
133  == '-')
134  {
135  _derivedCounts[site].first
136  = false;
137  }
138  else
139  {
140  // tabulate the derived state
141  _derivedCounts[site].first
142  = true;
143  if (seq != _outgroup
144  && (*_data)[seq][site]
145  != (*_data)
146  [_outgroup]
147  [site])
148  {
149  _derivedCounts[site]
150  .second((
151  *_data)[seq]
152  [site]);
153  }
154  }
155  }
156  else
157  {
158  // if no outgroup, set bool
159  // for site to false
160  _derivedCounts[site].first = false;
161  }
162  }
163  if (_counts[site].nStates() > 1
164  && _counts[site].gap == 0)
165  ++_NumPoly;
166  }
167  _preprocessed = true;
168  }
169  }
171  PolySNP::PolySNP(const Sequence::PolyTable *data, bool haveOutgroup,
172  unsigned outgroup, bool totMuts)
173  : rep(std::unique_ptr<_PolySNPImpl>(
174  new _PolySNPImpl(data, haveOutgroup, outgroup, totMuts)))
187  {
188  }
190  PolySNP::~PolySNP(void) {}
192  double
193  PolySNP::ThetaPi(void) const
228  {
229  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
230  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(rep->instance_lock);
231  if (rep->_know_pi == false)
232  {
233  double Pi = 0.0;
234  for (unsigned i = 0; i < rep->_nsites; ++i)
235  { // iterate over sites
236  if (rep->_counts[i].gap == 0
237  && rep->_counts[i].nStates() > 1)
238  {
239  unsigned samplesize = rep->_totsam;
240  samplesize
241  -= rep->_counts[i].n; // adjust sample size
242  // for missing data
243  if (samplesize > 1)
244  {
245  double SSH
246  = 0.0; // sum of site homozygosity
247  double denom
248  = (double(samplesize)
249  * (double(samplesize) - 1.0));
250  SSH += (rep->_counts[i].a > 0)
251  ? double(rep->_counts[i].a)
252  * double(
253  rep->_counts[i]
254  .a
255  - 1)
256  / denom
257  : 0.;
258  SSH += (rep->_counts[i].g > 0)
259  ? double(rep->_counts[i].g)
260  * double(
261  rep->_counts[i]
262  .g
263  - 1)
264  / denom
265  : 0.;
266  SSH += (rep->_counts[i].c > 0)
267  ? double(rep->_counts[i].c)
268  * double(
269  rep->_counts[i]
270  .c
271  - 1)
272  / denom
273  : 0.;
274  SSH += (rep->_counts[i].t > 0)
275  ? double(rep->_counts[i].t)
276  * double(
277  rep->_counts[i]
278  .t
279  - 1)
280  / denom
281  : 0.;
282  SSH += (rep->_counts[i].zero > 0)
283  ? double(
284  rep->_counts[i].zero)
285  * double(
286  rep->_counts[i]
287  .zero
288  - 1)
289  / denom
290  : 0.;
291  SSH += (rep->_counts[i].one > 0)
292  ? double(
293  rep->_counts[i].one)
294  * double(
295  rep->_counts[i]
296  .one
297  - 1)
298  / denom
299  : 0.;
300  Pi += (1.0 - SSH);
301  }
302  }
303  }
304  rep->_pi = Pi;
305  rep->_know_pi = true;
306  return rep->_pi;
307  }
308  else
309  return rep->_pi;
310  return rep->_pi;
311  }
313  double
314  PolySNP::ThetaW(void) const
338  {
339  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
340  double W = 0.0;
341  for (unsigned i = 0; i < rep->_nsites; ++i)
342  { // iterate over sitesvv
343  if (rep->_counts[i].gap == 0)
344  {
345  unsigned nstates = rep->_counts[i].nStates();
346  unsigned nsam_site = rep->_totsam - rep->_counts[i].n;
347  double denom = 0.0;
348  if (rep->_totMuts == true && nstates >= 2)
349  {
350  for (unsigned i = 1; i < nsam_site; ++i)
351  denom += 1.0 / double(i);
352  W += double(nstates - 1) / denom;
353  }
354  else if (rep->_totMuts == false && nstates >= 2)
355  {
356  for (unsigned i = 1; i < nsam_site; ++i)
357  denom += 1.0 / double(i);
358  W += 1.0 / denom;
359  }
360  }
361  }
362  return (W);
363  }
365  double
366  PolySNP::ThetaH(void) const
402  {
403  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
404  if (rep->_NumPoly == 0)
405  return 0.;
406  if (!rep->_haveOutgroup)
407  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
408  double H = 0.0;
409  bool anc_is_present = 0; // is ancestral state present in the ingroup?
411  for (unsigned i = 0; i < rep->_nsites; ++i)
412  { // iterate over sites
413  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i] == 0)
414  {
415  unsigned samplesize
416  = rep->_totsam; // sample size per site
417  unsigned sumDerCounts = 0;
418  sumDerCounts += rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.a;
419  sumDerCounts += rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.g;
420  sumDerCounts += rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.c;
421  sumDerCounts += rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.t;
422  sumDerCounts += rep->_derivedCounts[i];
423  sumDerCounts += rep->_derivedCounts[i];
424  unsigned ancestralCounts
425  = samplesize - sumDerCounts
426  - rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.n;
428  // if the ancestral state is not missing data, and
429  // the sum of the derived counts + and missing data in
430  // the ingroup
431  // does not equal the sample size, then the ancestral
432  // state is present
433  // at least once in the ingroup, and anc_is_present =
434  // true
435  anc_is_present = (rep->_derivedCounts[i].first == true
436  && ancestralCounts > 0)
437  ? true
438  : false;
439  if (anc_is_present) // ancestral state must be present
440  {
441  // number of derived states seen at this site
442  unsigned numDer
443  = rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.nStates();
444  if (numDer == 1)
445  { // simple if there is only one derived
446  // state inferred
447  samplesize
448  -= rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.n;
449  double denom
450  = (double(samplesize)
451  * (double(samplesize) - 1.0));
452  H += (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.a
453  > 0)
454  ? (2.0
455  * pow(double(
456  rep->_derivedCounts
457  [i]
458  .second
459  .a),
460  2.0))
461  / denom
462  : 0.;
463  H += (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.g
464  > 0)
465  ? (2.0
466  * pow(double(
467  rep->_derivedCounts
468  [i]
469  .second
470  .g),
471  2.0))
472  / denom
473  : 0.;
474  H += (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.c
475  > 0)
476  ? (2.0
477  * pow(double(
478  rep->_derivedCounts
479  [i]
480  .second
481  .c),
482  2.0))
483  / denom
484  : 0.;
485  H += (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.t
486  > 0)
487  ? (2.0
488  * pow(double(
489  rep->_derivedCounts
490  [i]
491  .second
492  .t),
493  2.0))
494  / denom
495  : 0.;
496  H += (rep->_derivedCounts[i]
498  > 0)
499  ? (2.0
500  * pow(double(
501  rep->_derivedCounts
502  [i]
503  .second
504  .zero),
505  2.0))
506  / denom
507  : 0.;
508  H += (rep->_derivedCounts[i]
509  > 0)
510  ? (2.0
511  * pow(double(
512  rep->_derivedCounts
513  [i]
514  .second
515  .one),
516  2.0))
517  / denom
518  : 0.;
519  }
520  else if (numDer == 2
521  && rep->_haveOutgroup) // MUST have
522  // outgroup--else
523  // can't proceed
524  { // use a "missing data" scheme if there
525  // is >1 derived state
526  // iterate over derived states
527  unsigned config[2];
528  unsigned k = 0;
529  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.a
530  > 0)
531  {
532  config[k++]
533  = rep->_derivedCounts[i]
534  .second.a;
535  }
536  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.g
537  > 0)
538  {
539  config[k++]
540  = rep->_derivedCounts[i]
541  .second.g;
542  }
543  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.c
544  > 0)
545  {
546  config[k++]
547  = rep->_derivedCounts[i]
548  .second.c;
549  }
550  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.t
551  > 0)
552  {
553  config[k++]
554  = rep->_derivedCounts[i]
555  .second.t;
556  }
557  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i]
558  > 0)
559  {
560  config[k++]
561  = rep->_derivedCounts[i]
563  }
564  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i]
565  > 0)
566  {
567  config[k++]
568  = rep->_derivedCounts[i]
570  }
571  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
572  {
573  double sample_size_adjust
574  = (i == 0)
575  ? double(config[1])
576  : double(config[0]);
577  H += (2.0
578  * pow(double(config[i]),
579  2.0))
580  / ((double(samplesize)
581  - sample_size_adjust)
582  * (double(samplesize)
583  - sample_size_adjust
584  - 1.0));
585  }
586  }
587  }
588  }
589  }
590  return H;
591  }
593  double
594  PolySNP::ThetaL(void) const
633  {
634  if (!rep->_haveOutgroup)
635  {
636  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
637  }
638  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
639  double thetal = 0.0;
640  if (rep->_NumPoly == 0)
641  return thetal;
642  bool anc_is_present = 0; // is ancestral state present in the ingroup?
644  for (unsigned i = 0; i < rep->_nsites; ++i)
645  { // iterate over sites
646  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i].first == true
647  && rep->_derivedCounts[i] == 0)
648  {
649  unsigned samplesize
650  = rep->_totsam; // sample size per site
651  unsigned sumDerCounts = 0;
652  sumDerCounts += rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.a;
653  sumDerCounts += rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.g;
654  sumDerCounts += rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.c;
655  sumDerCounts += rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.t;
656  sumDerCounts += rep->_derivedCounts[i];
657  sumDerCounts += rep->_derivedCounts[i];
658  unsigned ancestralCounts
659  = samplesize - sumDerCounts
660  - rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.n;
662  // if the ancestral state is not missing data, and
663  // the sum of the derived counts + and missing data in
664  // the ingroup
665  // does not equal the sample size, then the ancestral
666  // state is present
667  // at least once in the ingroup, and anc_is_present =
668  // true
669  anc_is_present = (rep->_derivedCounts[i].first == true
670  && ancestralCounts > 0)
671  ? true
672  : false;
673  if (anc_is_present) // ancestral state must be present
674  {
675  // number of derived states seen at this site
676  unsigned numDer
677  = rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.nStates();
678  if (numDer == 1)
679  { // simple if there is only one derived
680  // state inferred
681  samplesize
682  -= rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.n;
683  double denom
684  = (double(samplesize) - 1.0);
685  thetal
686  += (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.a
687  > 0)
688  ? double(
689  rep->_derivedCounts[i]
690  .second.a)
691  / denom
692  : 0.;
693  thetal
694  += (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.g
695  > 0)
696  ? double(
697  rep->_derivedCounts[i]
698  .second.g)
699  / denom
700  : 0.;
701  thetal
702  += (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.c
703  > 0)
704  ? double(
705  rep->_derivedCounts[i]
706  .second.c)
707  / denom
708  : 0.;
709  thetal
710  += (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.t
711  > 0)
712  ? double(
713  rep->_derivedCounts[i]
714  .second.t)
715  / denom
716  : 0.;
717  thetal
718  += (rep->_derivedCounts[i]
720  > 0)
721  ? double(
722  rep->_derivedCounts[i]
724  / denom
725  : 0.;
726  thetal
727  += (rep->_derivedCounts[i]
729  > 0)
730  ? double(
731  rep->_derivedCounts[i]
733  / denom
734  : 0.;
735  }
736  else if (numDer == 2
737  && rep->_haveOutgroup) // MUST have
738  // outgroup--else
739  // can't proceed
740  { // use a "missing data" scheme if there
741  // is >1 derived state
742  // iterate over derived states
743  unsigned config[2];
744  unsigned k = 0;
745  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.a
746  > 0)
747  {
748  config[k++]
749  = rep->_derivedCounts[i]
750  .second.a;
751  }
752  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.g
753  > 0)
754  {
755  config[k++]
756  = rep->_derivedCounts[i]
757  .second.g;
758  }
759  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.c
760  > 0)
761  {
762  config[k++]
763  = rep->_derivedCounts[i]
764  .second.c;
765  }
766  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.t
767  > 0)
768  {
769  config[k++]
770  = rep->_derivedCounts[i]
771  .second.t;
772  }
773  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i]
774  > 0)
775  {
776  config[k++]
777  = rep->_derivedCounts[i]
779  }
780  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i]
781  > 0)
782  {
783  config[k++]
784  = rep->_derivedCounts[i]
786  }
787  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
788  {
789  double sample_size_adjust
790  = (i == 0)
791  ? double(config[1])
792  : double(config[0]);
793  thetal
794  += (double(config[i]))
795  / (double(samplesize)
796  - sample_size_adjust
797  - 1.0);
798  }
799  }
800  }
801  }
802  }
803  return thetal;
804  }
806  unsigned
807  PolySNP::NumPoly(void) const
811  {
812  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
813  unsigned npoly = 0;
814  for (unsigned i = 0; i < rep->_nsites; ++i)
815  { // iterate over sites
816  if (rep->_counts[i].nStates() > 1 && rep->_counts[i].gap == 0)
817  ++npoly;
818  }
819  return npoly;
820  }
822  unsigned
828  {
829  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
830  unsigned nmut = 0;
832  for (unsigned i = 0; i < rep->_nsites; ++i)
833  { // iterate over sites
834  unsigned nstates = (rep->_counts[i].gap == 0)
835  ? rep->_counts[i].nStates()
836  : 0;
837  if (nstates > 1)
838  nmut += nstates - 1;
839  }
840  return nmut;
841  }
843  unsigned
849  {
850  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
851  unsigned nsing = 0;
852  for (unsigned i = 0; i < rep->_nsites; ++i)
853  { // iterate over sites
854  unsigned curr_nsing = 0;
855  unsigned nstates = rep->_counts[i].nStates();
856  if (rep->_counts[i].gap == 0 && nstates > 1)
857  {
858  unsigned nsam = rep->_totsam - rep->_counts[i].n;
859  if (nsam == 2 && nstates == 2) // if n = 2 and there
860  // are 2 states, there
861  // must be 1 singleton
862  curr_nsing = 1;
863  else
864  {
865  curr_nsing
866  += (rep->_counts[i].a == 1) ? 1u : 0u;
867  curr_nsing
868  += (rep->_counts[i].g == 1) ? 1u : 0u;
869  curr_nsing
870  += (rep->_counts[i].c == 1) ? 1u : 0u;
871  curr_nsing
872  += (rep->_counts[i].t == 1) ? 1u : 0u;
873  curr_nsing
874  += (rep->_counts[i].zero == 1) ? 1u : 0u;
875  curr_nsing
876  += (rep->_counts[i].one == 1) ? 1u : 0u;
877  }
878  }
879  nsing += curr_nsing;
880  }
881  return nsing;
882  }
884  unsigned
891  {
892  if (!rep->_haveOutgroup)
894  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
895  unsigned next = 0;
896  for (unsigned i = 0; i < rep->_nsites; ++i)
897  { // iterate over sites
898  unsigned nsam = rep->_totsam;
899  unsigned curr_next = 0;
900  if (rep->_derivedCounts[i].first == true
901  && rep->_derivedCounts[i] == 0)
902  {
903  nsam -= rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.n;
904  curr_next += (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.a == 1)
905  ? 1u
906  : 0u;
907  curr_next += (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.g == 1)
908  ? 1u
909  : 0u;
910  curr_next += (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.c == 1)
911  ? 1u
912  : 0u;
913  curr_next += (rep->_derivedCounts[i].second.t == 1)
914  ? 1u
915  : 0u;
916  curr_next += (rep->_derivedCounts[i] == 1)
917  ? 1u
918  : 0u;
919  curr_next += (rep->_derivedCounts[i] == 1)
920  ? 1u
921  : 0u;
922  }
923  next += (nsam > 1) ? curr_next : 0u;
924  }
925  return next;
926  }
928  double
929  PolySNP::TajimasD(void) const
937  {
938  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
939  if (rep->_NumPoly == 0)
940  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
941  double D = 0.0;
942  double Pi = ThetaPi();
943  double W = ThetaW();
944  if (fabs(Pi - 0.) <= DBL_EPSILON && fabs(W - 0.) <= DBL_EPSILON)
945  D = 0.0;
946  else
947  D = (Pi - W) / Dnominator();
948  return D;
949  }
951  double
952  PolySNP::Hprime(const bool &likeThorntonAndolfatto) const
972  {
973  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
974  if (rep->_NumPoly == 0)
975  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
976  assert(rep->_haveOutgroup == true);
977  double a = a_sub_n();
978  double b = b_sub_n();
979  double pi = ThetaPi();
980  double theta = ThetaW();
982  double thetal = ThetaL();
983  double b_n_plus1 = b_sub_n_plus1();
984  double S = (rep->_totMuts) ? NumMutations() : NumPoly();
985  double thetasq = (likeThorntonAndolfatto == false)
986  ? S * (S - 1) / (a * a + b)
987  : theta * theta;
989  double vThetal = (rep->_totsam * theta) / (2.0 * (rep->_totsam - 1.0))
990  + (2.0 * pow(rep->_totsam / (rep->_totsam - 1.0), 2.0)
991  * (b_n_plus1 - 1.0)
992  - 1.0)
993  * thetasq;
995  double vPi
996  = (3.0 * rep->_totsam * (rep->_totsam + 1.0) * theta
997  + 2.0 * (rep->_totsam * rep->_totsam + rep->_totsam + 3.0)
998  * thetasq)
999  / (9 * rep->_totsam * (rep->_totsam - 1.0));
1001  double cov
1002  = ((rep->_totsam + 1.0) / (3.0 * (rep->_totsam - 1.0))) * theta
1003  + ((7.0 * rep->_totsam * rep->_totsam + 3.0 * rep->_totsam - 2.0
1004  - 4.0 * rep->_totsam * (rep->_totsam + 1.0) * b_n_plus1)
1005  / (2.0 * pow((rep->_totsam - 1.0), 2.0)))
1006  * thetasq;
1008  double Hpr = pi - thetal;
1009  Hpr /= pow((vThetal + vPi - 2.0 * cov), 0.5);
1010  return (Hpr);
1011  }
1013  double
1020  {
1021  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1022  if (rep->_NumPoly == 0)
1023  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
1024  double S = 0.0;
1025  if (rep->_totMuts)
1026  {
1027  S = double(NumMutations());
1028  }
1029  else if (!(rep->_totMuts))
1030  {
1031  S = double(NumPoly());
1032  }
1033  double a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2, e1, e2;
1035  a1 = a_sub_n();
1036  a2 = b_sub_n();
1037  b1 = (rep->_totsam + 1.0) / (3.0 * (rep->_totsam - 1.0));
1038  b2 = (2.0 * (pow(rep->_totsam, 2.0) + rep->_totsam + 3.0))
1039  / (9.0 * rep->_totsam * (rep->_totsam - 1.0));
1040  c1 = b1 - 1.0 / a1;
1041  c2 = b2 - (rep->_totsam + 2.0) / (a1 * rep->_totsam)
1042  + a2 / pow(a1, 2.0);
1043  e1 = c1 / a1;
1044  e2 = c2 / (pow(a1, 2.0) + a2);
1045  double denominator = pow((e1 * S + e2 * S * (S - 1.0)), 0.5);
1046  return (denominator);
1047  }
1049  void
1064  {
1065  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1066  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(rep->instance_lock);
1067  if (!(rep->_CalculatedDandV))
1068  {
1069  if (rep->_NumPoly == 0)
1070  {
1071  rep->_DVK = 1;
1072  rep->_DVH = 0.;
1073  return;
1074  }
1075  if (rep->_data->size() > 0)
1076  {
1077  // step 1 : determine which sequences are unique in the
1078  // data,
1079  // exluding missing data
1080  std::set<string, uniqueSeq> unique_haplotypes;
1081  if (rep->_haveOutgroup)
1082  {
1083  unique_haplotypes.insert(rep->_data->begin(),
1084  rep->_data->begin()
1085  + rep->_outgroup);
1086  unique_haplotypes.insert(
1087  rep->_data->begin() + rep->_outgroup + 1,
1088  rep->_data->end());
1089  }
1090  else
1091  {
1092  unique_haplotypes.insert(rep->_data->begin(),
1093  rep->_data->end());
1094  }
1095  std::vector<std::string> vuhaps(
1096  unique_haplotypes.size());
1097  rep->_DVK = unsigned(unique_haplotypes.size());
1098  std::move(unique_haplotypes.begin(),
1099  unique_haplotypes.end(), vuhaps.begin());
1100  double homozygosity = 0.0;
1101  for (auto &uh : vuhaps)
1102  {
1103  double c = 0.0;
1104  if (rep->_haveOutgroup)
1105  {
1106  c = static_cast<double>(std::count_if(
1107  rep->_data->begin(),
1108  rep->_data->begin()
1109  + rep->_outgroup,
1110  [&uh](const std::string &__s) {
1111  return !Different(__s, uh,
1112  false, true);
1113  }));
1114  c += static_cast<double>(std::count_if(
1115  rep->_data->begin()
1116  + rep->_outgroup + 1,
1117  rep->_data->end(),
1118  [&uh](const std::string &__s) {
1119  return !Different(__s, uh,
1120  false, true);
1121  }));
1122  }
1123  else
1124  {
1125  c = static_cast<double>(std::count_if(
1126  rep->_data->begin(),
1127  rep->_data->end(),
1128  [&uh](const std::string &__s) {
1129  return !Different(__s, uh,
1130  false, true);
1131  }));
1132  }
1133  c /= static_cast<double>(rep->_totsam);
1134  homozygosity += pow(c, 2.);
1135  }
1136  rep->_DVH -= homozygosity;
1137  rep->_DVH *= rep->_totsam / (rep->_totsam - 1.0);
1138  rep->_CalculatedDandV = 1;
1139  }
1140  }
1141  }
1143  double
1144  PolySNP::WallsB(void) const
1150  {
1151  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1152  WallStats();
1153  return rep->_walls_B;
1154  }
1156  void
1157  PolySNP::WallStats(void) const
1158  {
1159  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1160  if (!rep->_calculated_wall_stats)
1161  {
1162  unsigned S = 0;
1163  // explicity count # of bi-allelic sites,
1164  // since that's the proper denominator
1165  for (std::vector<stateCounter>::const_iterator itr
1166  = rep->_counts.begin();
1167  itr < rep->_counts.end(); ++itr)
1168  {
1169  if (itr->nStates() == 2 && itr->gap == 0)
1170  ++S;
1171  }
1172  if (S > 1)
1173  {
1174  // std::ptrdiff_t nhap_curr, nhap_left;
1175  std::set<std::basic_string<char>,
1176  Sequence::uniqueSeq>::size_type nhap_curr,
1177  nhap_left;
1179  nhap_left = SEQMAXUNSIGNED;
1181  unsigned A = 0; // number of partitions with D' = 1
1182  // (see Wall 1999)
1183  // iterate over sites (actually, adjacent pairs of
1184  // sites)
1185  for (unsigned site1 = 0; site1 < rep->_nsites - 1;
1186  ++site1)
1187  {
1188  for (unsigned site2 = site1 + 1;
1189  site2 < rep->_nsites; ++site2)
1190  {
1191  if (rep->_counts[site1].nStates() == 2
1192  && rep->_counts[site2].nStates()
1193  == 2)
1194  {
1195  std::string config;
1196  config.resize(2);
1197  std::set<string, uniqueSeq>
1198  unique_haplotypes;
1199  nhap_curr = 0;
1200  for (unsigned i = 0;
1201  i < rep->_nsam; ++i)
1202  {
1203  if ((!rep->_haveOutgroup)
1204  || (rep->_haveOutgroup
1205  && i != rep->_outgroup))
1206  {
1207  config[0]
1208  = (*rep->_data)
1209  [i]
1210  [site1];
1211  config[1]
1212  = (*rep->_data)
1213  [i]
1214  [site2];
1215  unique_haplotypes
1216  .insert(
1217  config);
1218  }
1219  }
1220  nhap_curr
1221  = unique_haplotypes.size();
1222  if (site1 == 0)
1223  {
1224  if (nhap_curr == 2)
1225  {
1226  ++rep->_walls_Bprime;
1227  ++A;
1228  }
1229  }
1230  else
1231  {
1232  if (nhap_curr == 2)
1233  ++rep->_walls_Bprime;
1234  if (nhap_curr == 2
1235  && nhap_left != 2)
1236  ++A;
1237  }
1238  nhap_left = nhap_curr;
1239  site1 = site2;
1240  }
1241  }
1242  }
1243  rep->_walls_B
1244  = double(rep->_walls_Bprime) / (double(S - 1));
1245  rep->_walls_Q
1246  = (double(rep->_walls_Bprime) + double(A))
1247  / (double(S));
1248  }
1249  else
1250  {
1251  rep->_walls_B
1252  = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
1253  rep->_walls_Bprime = 0;
1254  rep->_walls_Q
1255  = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
1256  }
1257  }
1258  rep->_calculated_wall_stats = true;
1259  }
1261  unsigned
1268  {
1269  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1270  WallStats();
1271  return rep->_walls_Bprime;
1272  }
1274  double
1275  PolySNP::WallsQ(void) const
1281  {
1282  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1283  WallStats();
1284  return rep->_walls_Q;
1285  }
1287  double
1288  PolySNP::VarPi(void) const
1294  {
1295  if (rep->_data->empty() || !NumPoly())
1296  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
1297  double Pi = ThetaPi();
1298  double variance = 3.0 * rep->_totsam * (rep->_totsam + 1.0) * Pi
1299  + 2.0 * (pow(rep->_totsam, 2.0) + rep->_totsam + 3.0)
1300  * pow(Pi, 2.0);
1301  variance /= (11.0 * pow(rep->_totsam, 2.0) - 7.0 * rep->_totsam + 6.0);
1302  return (variance);
1303  }
1305  double
1312  {
1313  if (rep->_data->empty() || !NumPoly())
1314  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
1315  double Pi = ThetaPi();
1316  double variance
1317  = (3.0 * pow(rep->_totsam, 2.0) - 3.0 * rep->_totsam + 2.0) * Pi
1318  + 2.0 * rep->_totsam * (rep->_totsam - 1.0) * pow(Pi, 2.0);
1319  variance /= (11.0 * pow(rep->_totsam, 2.0) - 7.0 * rep->_totsam + 6.0);
1320  return (variance);
1321  }
1323  double
1330  {
1331  if (rep->_data->empty() || !NumPoly())
1332  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
1333  double Pi = ThetaPi();
1334  double variance = 2.0 * (3.0 * rep->_totsam - 1.0) * Pi
1335  + 2.0 * (2.0 * rep->_totsam + 3.0) * pow(Pi, 2.0);
1336  variance /= (11.0 * pow(rep->_totsam, 2.0) - 7.0 * rep->_totsam + 6.0);
1337  return (variance);
1338  }
1340  double
1346  {
1347  if (rep->_data->empty() || !NumPoly())
1348  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
1349  double a1 = a_sub_n();
1350  double a2 = b_sub_n();
1351  double S = (rep->_totMuts) ? NumMutations() : NumPoly();
1352  double variance = pow(a1, 2.0) * S + a2 * pow(S, 2.0);
1353  variance /= pow(a1, 2.0) * (pow(a1, 2.0) + a2);
1354  return (variance);
1355  }
1357  // correct
1358  double
1359  PolySNP::FuLiD(void) const
1367  {
1368  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1369  // assert(rep->_haveOutgroup == true);
1370  if (rep->_NumPoly == 0 || !rep->_haveOutgroup)
1371  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
1372  double ExternalMutations = double(NumExternalMutations());
1373  double NumMut = double(NumMutations());
1374  double a = a_sub_n();
1375  double b = b_sub_n();
1376  double c = c_sub_n();
1377  double vD = 1.0
1378  + (pow(a, 2.0) / (b + pow(a, 2.0))
1379  * (c - (rep->_totsam + 1.0) / (rep->_totsam - 1.0)));
1380  double uD = a - 1.0 - vD;
1381  double D = NumMut - a * double(ExternalMutations);
1382  D /= pow((uD * NumMut + vD * pow(NumMut, 2.0)), 0.5);
1383  return (D);
1384  }
1386  // correct
1387  double
1388  PolySNP::FuLiF(void) const
1395  {
1396  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1397  if (rep->_NumPoly == 0 || !rep->_haveOutgroup)
1398  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
1399  double Pi = ThetaPi();
1400  double NumMut = double(NumMutations());
1401  double ExternalMutations = double(NumExternalMutations());
1402  double a = a_sub_n();
1403  double a_n_plus1 = a_sub_n_plus1();
1404  double b = b_sub_n();
1405  double c = c_sub_n();
1406  double vF
1407  = c
1408  + 2.0 * (pow(rep->_totsam, 2.0) + rep->_totsam + 3.0)
1409  / (9.0 * rep->_totsam * (double(rep->_totsam - 1.0)));
1410  vF -= (2.0 / (rep->_totsam - 1.0));
1411  vF /= (pow(a, 2.0) + b);
1413  double uF
1414  = 1.0
1415  + (rep->_totsam + 1.0) / (3.0 * (double(rep->_totsam - 1.0)));
1416  uF -= 4.0 * ((rep->_totsam + 1.0) / (pow(rep->_totsam - 1.0, 2.0)))
1417  * (a_n_plus1 - 2.0 * rep->_totsam / (rep->_totsam + 1.0));
1418  uF /= a;
1419  uF -= vF;
1421  double F = Pi - ExternalMutations;
1422  F /= pow(uF * NumMut + vF * pow(NumMut, 2.0), 0.5);
1423  return (F);
1424  }
1426  // correct
1427  double
1433  {
1434  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1435  if (rep->_NumPoly == 0)
1436  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
1437  double Singletons = double(NumSingletons());
1438  double NumMut = double(NumMutations());
1440  double a = a_sub_n();
1441  double b = b_sub_n();
1442  double d = d_sub_n();
1444  double vD = pow(rep->_totsam / (rep->_totsam - 1.0), 2.0) * b;
1445  vD += pow(a, 2.0) * d;
1446  vD -= 2.0 * (rep->_totsam * a * (a + 1.0))
1447  / (pow(double(rep->_totsam - 1.0), 2.0));
1448  vD /= (pow(a, 2.0) + b);
1450  double uD = (rep->_totsam / (rep->_totsam - 1.0))
1451  * (a - (rep->_totsam / (rep->_totsam - 1.0)))
1452  - vD;
1454  double DStar = (rep->_totsam / (rep->_totsam - 1.0)) * NumMut
1455  - a * double(Singletons);
1456  DStar /= pow(uD * NumMut + vD * pow(NumMut, 2.0), 0.5);
1457  return (DStar);
1458  }
1460  // correct
1461  double
1470  {
1471  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1472  if (rep->_NumPoly == 0)
1473  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
1474  double Singletons = double(NumSingletons());
1475  double Pi = ThetaPi();
1476  double NumMut = double(NumMutations());
1478  double a = a_sub_n();
1479  double a_n_plus1 = a_sub_n_plus1();
1480  double b = b_sub_n();
1481  // vF is taken from the correction published by
1482  // Simonsen et al. (1995) Genetics 141: 413, eqn A5
1483  double vF = 2.0 * pow(rep->_totsam, 3.0)
1484  + 110.0 * pow(rep->_totsam, 2.0) - 255.0 * rep->_totsam
1485  + 153.0;
1486  vF /= (9.0 * pow(rep->_totsam, 2.0) * (rep->_totsam - 1.0));
1487  vF += (((2.0 * (rep->_totsam - 1.0) * a) / pow(rep->_totsam, 2.0))
1488  - (8.0 * b / rep->_totsam));
1489  vF /= (pow(a, 2.0) + b);
1491  double uF = (4.0 * pow(rep->_totsam, 2.0) + 19.0 * rep->_totsam + 3.0
1492  - 12.0 * (rep->_totsam + 1.0) * a_n_plus1);
1493  uF /= (3.0 * rep->_totsam * (rep->_totsam - 1.0));
1494  uF /= a;
1495  uF -= vF;
1496  double FStar
1497  = Pi
1498  - (((rep->_totsam - 1.0) / rep->_totsam)) * double(Singletons);
1499  FStar /= pow((uF * NumMut + vF * pow(NumMut, 2.0)), 0.5);
1500  return (FStar);
1501  }
1503  double
1504  PolySNP::a_sub_n(void) const
1510  {
1511  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1512  int i;
1513  double a = 0.0;
1514  for (i = 1; i < int(rep->_totsam); ++i)
1515  a += 1. / double(i);
1516  return a;
1517  }
1519  double
1525  { // used by Fu and Li tests
1526  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1527  int i;
1528  double a = 0.0;
1529  for (i = 1; i < int(rep->_totsam) + 1; ++i)
1530  {
1531  a += 1. / double(i);
1532  }
1533  return (a);
1534  }
1536  double
1537  PolySNP::b_sub_n(void) const
1542  { // sum of 1/i^2
1543  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1544  int i;
1545  double b = 0.0;
1546  for (i = 1; i < int(rep->_totsam); ++i)
1547  b += 1. / (pow(double(i), 2.0));
1548  return b;
1549  }
1551  double
1558  { // sum of 1/i^2
1559  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1560  int i;
1561  double b = 0.0;
1562  for (i = 1; i < int(rep->_totsam) + 1; ++i)
1563  b += 1. / (pow(double(i), 2.0));
1564  return b;
1565  }
1567  double
1568  PolySNP::c_sub_n(void) const
1579  { // from Fu and Li 93
1580  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1581  double c = 0.0, a = a_sub_n();
1582  if (fabs(rep->_totsam - 2.) <= DBL_EPSILON)
1583  {
1584  c = 1.0;
1585  }
1586  else
1587  {
1588  c = 2.0 * (rep->_totsam * a - 2.0 * (rep->_totsam - 1.0));
1589  c /= ((rep->_totsam - 1.0) * (rep->_totsam - 2.0));
1590  }
1591  return c;
1592  }
1594  double
1595  PolySNP::d_sub_n(void) const
1601  { // from Fu and Li 93
1602  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1603  double a_n_plus1, c, d;
1604  a_n_plus1 = a_sub_n_plus1();
1605  c = c_sub_n();
1606  d = c + (rep->_totsam - 2.0) / (pow(rep->_totsam - 1.0, 2.0));
1607  d += (2.0 / (rep->_totsam - 1.0))
1608  * (1.5 - ((2.0 * a_n_plus1 - 3.0) / (rep->_totsam - 2.0))
1609  - 1.0 / rep->_totsam);
1610  return d;
1611  }
1613  double
1614  PolySNP::DandVH(void) const
1623  {
1624  if (!(rep->_CalculatedDandV))
1627  return rep->_DVH;
1628  }
1630  unsigned
1631  PolySNP::DandVK(void) const
1640  {
1641  if (!(rep->_CalculatedDandV))
1644  return rep->_DVK;
1645  }
1647  double
1648  PolySNP::HudsonsC(void) const
1656  {
1657  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1658  if (rep->_NumPoly == 0)
1659  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
1660  return (Recombination::HudsonsC(rep->_data, rep->_haveOutgroup,
1661  rep->_outgroup));
1662  }
1664  unsigned
1665  PolySNP::Minrec(void) const
1672  {
1673  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1674  if (rep->_NumPoly < 2)
1675  return SEQMAXUNSIGNED;
1676  unsigned a, b, e, numgametes, Rmin = 0, x = 0;
1677  bool flag = false;
1679  for (a = x + 1; a < rep->_nsites; ++a)
1680  {
1681  char c11, c12;
1682  unsigned states1 = 0;
1683  c11 = c12 = 'Z'; // Z is a dummy value
1684  // count # states in site a
1685  states1 = rep->_counts[a].nStates();
1687  c11 = (c11 == 'Z' && rep->_counts[a].a > 0) ? 'A' : 'Z';
1688  c11 = (c11 == 'Z' && rep->_counts[a].g > 0) ? 'G' : c11;
1689  c11 = (c11 == 'Z' && rep->_counts[a].c > 0) ? 'C' : c11;
1690  c11 = (c11 == 'Z' && rep->_counts[a].t > 0) ? 'T' : c11;
1691  c11 = (c11 == 'Z' && rep->_counts[a].zero > 0) ? '0' : c11;
1692  c11 = (c11 == 'Z' && rep->_counts[a].one > 0) ? '1' : c11;
1694  c12 = (c12 == 'Z' && c11 != 'A' && rep->_counts[a].a > 0)
1695  ? 'A'
1696  : 'Z';
1697  c12 = (c12 == 'Z' && c11 != 'G' && rep->_counts[a].g > 0)
1698  ? 'G'
1699  : c12;
1700  c12 = (c12 == 'Z' && c11 != 'C' && rep->_counts[a].c > 0)
1701  ? 'C'
1702  : c12;
1703  c12 = (c12 == 'Z' && c11 != 'T' && rep->_counts[a].t > 0)
1704  ? 'T'
1705  : c12;
1706  c12 = (c12 == 'Z' && c11 != '0' && rep->_counts[a].zero > 0)
1707  ? '0'
1708  : c12;
1709  c12 = (c12 == 'Z' && c11 != '1' && rep->_counts[a].one > 0)
1710  ? '1'
1711  : c12;
1713  for (b = (flag == false) ? x : a - 1; b < a; ++b)
1714  {
1715  flag = false;
1716  numgametes = 0;
1717  unsigned states2 = rep->_counts[b].nStates();
1718  // need to skip sites with > 2 states
1719  if (states1 == 2 && states2 == 2)
1720  {
1721  char c21 = 'Z', c22 = 'Z';
1722  c21 = (c21 == 'Z' && rep->_counts[b].a > 0)
1723  ? 'A'
1724  : 'Z';
1725  c21 = (c21 == 'Z' && rep->_counts[b].g > 0)
1726  ? 'G'
1727  : c21;
1728  c21 = (c21 == 'Z' && rep->_counts[b].c > 0)
1729  ? 'C'
1730  : c21;
1731  c21 = (c21 == 'Z' && rep->_counts[b].t > 0)
1732  ? 'T'
1733  : c21;
1734  c21 = (c21 == 'Z' && rep->_counts[b].zero > 0)
1735  ? '0'
1736  : c21;
1737  c21 = (c21 == 'Z' && rep->_counts[b].one > 0)
1738  ? '1'
1739  : c21;
1741  c22 = (c22 == 'Z' && c21 != 'A'
1742  && rep->_counts[b].a > 0)
1743  ? 'A'
1744  : 'Z';
1745  c22 = (c22 == 'Z' && c21 != 'G'
1746  && rep->_counts[b].g > 0)
1747  ? 'G'
1748  : c22;
1749  c22 = (c22 == 'Z' && c21 != 'C'
1750  && rep->_counts[b].c > 0)
1751  ? 'C'
1752  : c22;
1753  c22 = (c22 == 'Z' && c21 != 'T'
1754  && rep->_counts[b].t > 0)
1755  ? 'T'
1756  : c22;
1757  c22 = (c22 == 'Z' && c21 != '0'
1758  && rep->_counts[b].zero > 0)
1759  ? '0'
1760  : c22;
1761  c22 = (c22 == 'Z' && c21 != '1'
1762  && rep->_counts[b].one > 0)
1763  ? '1'
1764  : c22;
1766  for (e = 0; e < rep->_nsam; ++e)
1767  {
1768  if (!rep->_haveOutgroup
1769  || (rep->_haveOutgroup
1770  && e != rep->_outgroup))
1771  if (toupper((*rep->_data)[e][a])
1772  == c11
1773  && toupper((*rep->_data)[e][b])
1774  == c21)
1775  {
1776  ++numgametes;
1777  break;
1778  }
1779  }
1780  for (e = 0; e < rep->_nsam; ++e)
1781  {
1782  if (!rep->_haveOutgroup
1783  || (rep->_haveOutgroup
1784  && e != rep->_outgroup))
1785  if (toupper((*rep->_data)[e][a])
1786  == c11
1787  && toupper((*rep->_data)[e][b])
1788  == c22)
1789  {
1790  ++numgametes;
1791  break;
1792  }
1793  }
1794  for (e = 0; e < rep->_nsam; ++e)
1795  {
1796  if (!rep->_haveOutgroup
1797  || (rep->_haveOutgroup
1798  && e != rep->_outgroup))
1799  if (toupper((*rep->_data)[e][a])
1800  == c12
1801  && toupper((*rep->_data)[e][b])
1802  == c21)
1803  {
1804  ++numgametes;
1805  break;
1806  }
1807  }
1808  for (e = 0; e < rep->_nsam; ++e)
1809  {
1810  if (!rep->_haveOutgroup
1811  || (rep->_haveOutgroup
1812  && e != rep->_outgroup))
1813  if (toupper((*rep->_data)[e][a])
1814  == c12
1815  && toupper((*rep->_data)[e][b])
1816  == c22)
1817  {
1818  ++numgametes;
1819  break;
1820  }
1821  }
1822  if (numgametes == 4)
1823  {
1824  ++Rmin;
1825  flag = true;
1826  break;
1827  }
1828  }
1829  }
1830  if (flag == true)
1831  x = a;
1832  }
1833  return Rmin;
1834  }
1836  std::vector<PairwiseLDstats>
1837  PolySNP::Disequilibrium(const unsigned &mincount,
1838  const double &max_marker_distance) const
1854  {
1855  assert(rep->_preprocessed);
1856  if (rep->_NumPoly < 2)
1857  return std::vector<PairwiseLDstats>();
1858  return Recombination::Disequilibrium(rep->_data, rep->_haveOutgroup,
1859  rep->_outgroup, mincount,
1860  max_marker_distance);
1861  }
1862 } // namespace Sequence
The base class for polymorphism tables.
bool operator()(const std::pair< key, value > &l, const std::pair< key, value > &r) const
virtual double FuLiF(void) const
double thetal(const AlleleCountMatrix &ac, const std::int8_t refstate)
Zeng et al. .
double VarPi(void) const
Methods dealing with recombination.
void preprocess(void)
virtual unsigned NumMutations(void) const
double DandVH(void) const
virtual unsigned NumSingletons(void) const
virtual double ThetaH(void) const
double HudsonsC(void) const
STL namespace.
unsigned NumPoly(void) const
virtual double TajimasD(void) const
Sequence::PolyTable, a virtual base class for polymorphism tables.
The namespace in which this library resides.
virtual double ThetaW(void) const
double b_sub_n(void) const
virtual unsigned Minrec(void) const
double VarThetaW(void) const
unsigned DandVK(void) const
declaration of Sequence::PolySNP, a class to analyze SNP data
void DepaulisVeuilleStatistics(void) const
double b_sub_n_plus1(void) const
double SamplingVarPi(void) const
virtual double WallsB(void) const
double a_sub_n_plus1(void) const
std::vector< PairwiseLDstats > Disequilibrium(const Sequence::PolyTable *data, const bool &haveOutgroup=false, const unsigned &outgroup=0, const unsigned &mincount=1, const double max_distance=std::numeric_limits< double >::max()) __attribute__((deprecated))
Calculate pairwise LD for a Sequence::PolyTable.
PolySNP(const Sequence::PolyTable *data, bool haveOutgroup=false, unsigned outgroup=0, bool totMuts=true)
virtual double FuLiFStar(void) const
virtual unsigned NumExternalMutations(void) const
const unsigned SEQMAXUNSIGNED
virtual double Dnominator(void) const
virtual double ThetaL(void) const
double variance(iterator beg, iterator end)
virtual double ThetaPi(void) const
double c_sub_n(void) const
double HudsonsC(const Sequence::PolyTable *data, const bool &haveOutgroup, const unsigned &outgroup) __attribute__((deprecated))
virtual unsigned WallsBprime(void) const
virtual double Hprime(const bool &likeThorntonAndolfatto=false) const
namespace Sequence::Recombination
double a_sub_n(void) const
std::vector< PairwiseLDstats > Disequilibrium(const unsigned &mincount=1, const double &max_marker_distance=std::numeric_limits< double >::max()) const
virtual double WallsQ(void) const
bool Different(const std::string &seq1, const std::string &seq2, const bool &skip_missing=true, const bool &nucleic_acid=true)
double d_sub_n(void) const
double StochasticVarPi(void) const
virtual double FuLiDStar(void) const
declaration of Sequence::stateCounter, a class to keep track of nucleotide counts either at a site in...
delcaration of routines for comparing DNA sequences This file declares a set of functions useful for ...
virtual double FuLiD(void) const