Literature cited#


R Bürger. The Mathematical Theory of Selection, Recombination, and Mutation. Wiley, November 2000.


Michael Doebeli, Christoph Hauert, and Timothy Killingback. The evolutionary origin of cooperators and defectors. Science, 306(5697):859–862, October 2004.


Adam Eyre-Walker. Evolution in health and medicine sackler colloquium: genetic architecture of a complex trait and its implications for fitness and genome-wide association studies. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 107 Suppl 1:1752–1756, January 2010.


Graham Gower, Aaron P Ragsdale, Gertjan Bisschop, Ryan N Gutenkunst, Matthew Hartfield, Ekaterina Noskova, Stephan Schiffels, Travis J Struck, Jerome Kelleher, and Kevin R Thornton. Demes: a standard format for demographic models. Genetics, November 2022.


B C Haller, J Galloway, J Kelleher, and others. Tree‐sequence recording in SLiM opens new horizons for forward‐time simulation of whole genomes. Mol. Ecol., 2019.


Ryan D Hernandez. A flexible forward simulator for populations subject to selection and demography. Bioinformatics, 24(23):2786–2787, December 2008.


R R Hudson and N L Kaplan. Deleterious background selection with recombination. Genetics, 141(4):1605–1617, December 1995.


Richard R Hudson. Generating samples under a Wright–Fisher neutral model of genetic variation. Bioinformatics, 18:337–338, 2002.


Toby Johnson and Nick Barton. Theoretical models of selection and mutation on quantitative traits. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 360(1459):1411–1425, July 2005.


Julien Jouganous, Will Long, Aaron P Ragsdale, and Simon Gravel. Inferring the joint demographic history of multiple populations: beyond the diffusion approximation. Genetics, 206(3):1549–1567, July 2017.


N L Kaplan, R R Hudson, and C H Langley. The “hitchhiking effect” revisited. Genetics, 123(4):887–899, December 1989.


P D Keightley and W G Hill. Quantitative genetic variability maintained by mutation-stabilizing selection balance in finite populations. Genet. Res., 52(1):33–43, August 1988.


Peter D Keightley and William G Hill. Variation maintained in quantitative traits with Mutation-Selection balance: pleiotropic Side-Effects on fitness traits. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 242(1304):95–100, November 1990.


Jerome Kelleher, Alison M Etheridge, and Gilean McVean. Efficient coalescent simulation and genealogical analysis for large sample sizes. PLoS Comput. Biol., 12(5):e1004842, May 2016.


Jerome Kelleher, Kevin R Thornton, Jaime Ashander, and Peter L Ralph. Efficient pedigree recording for fast population genetics simulation. PLoS Comput. Biol., 14(11):e1006581, November 2018.


Andrew D Kern and Daniel R Schrider. Discoal: flexible coalescent simulations with selection. Bioinformatics, 32(24):3839–3841, December 2016.


Aaron P Ragsdale, Dominic Nelson, Simon Gravel, and Jerome Kelleher. Lessons learned from bugs in models of human history. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 107(4):583–588, October 2020.


Kevin R Thornton. A c++ template library for efficient forward-time population genetic simulation of large populations. Genetics, 198(1):157–166, September 2014.


Kevin R Thornton. Polygenic adaptation to an environmental shift: temporal dynamics of variation under gaussian stabilizing selection and additive effects on a single trait. Genetics, 213(4):1513–1530, December 2019.


Bruce Walsh and Michael Lynch. Evolution and Selection of Quantitative Traits. Oxford University Press, August 2018.


Peter Xue-Kun Song. Multivariate dispersion models generated from gaussian copula. Scand. Stat. Theory Appl., 27(2):305–320, June 2000.