This document lists major changes between tags/releases of libsequence. The following caveat is important:
If you see a section below referring to libsequence version X, and no version X exists as a release, then you must consider the info here inaccurate. In such cases, the list of changes may refer to planned changes for a future release which may or may not be implemented yet in either the master or some development branch.
Starting with release 1.8.3, libsequence broke ABI compatibility with previous versions. The "soname" of the library is now set to 20:0:0, where it will remain even as future release continue to break the ABI. Basically, from here until 2.0, you should consider backwards-compatibility to be in flux.
A major step towards 2.0
This release includes the following GitHub PRs: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 25, 26, 30, 31, and 32.
Major API and ABI changes! This release is a big step towards a "2.0"-style release.
current version 1.8.0 (Jan 14, 2014). Two files needed #include <sstream> to used std::ostringstream. Previous library versions were failing to compile on some systems due to the missing header.
version 1.7.9 (Dec 12, 2013) Forward declaration of templates in namespace std were removed from Sequence/typedefs.hpp. The library will now compile on OS X Mavericks.
version 1.7.8 (Nov 8, 2013): Fixed (a possibly 10 year old) bug in This bug misclassified AGG to CGG changes as q_0 rather than q_2V. This would lead to errors in synonymous/nonsynonymous substitution counting. Programs like gestimator and polydNdS were affected. However, I have run through a lot of my own data, and recorded no differences in output. You have to have had this specific change (or possibly others involving amino acids with 6 codons in the family). The SingleSub code is now vastly simplified and gives correct output (fingers crossed).
Binary compatilibity with previous versions of libsequence is now broken: All exception specifications are removed in anticipation of that language feature being removed/deprecated.
A new file, SimDataIO.hpp has been added, allowing .gz and binary I/O for SimData objects. See examples/ for documentation. This now changes how one compiles programs depending on libsequence: you need zlib installed and must include -lsequence -lz (in that order) when compiling programs.
version 1.7.7: never happened. never publicly released
version 1.7.6 (Feb 13, 2013) Fixed inconsistent exception declarations in templates. libsequence is now compilable with the clang compiler. To use: CXX=clang++ CC=clang ./configure; make ; sudo make install
version 1.7.5 (Dec. 18 2012). The operator>> for Clustalw was not processing whitespace properly when compiled with new versions of gcc. That issue is now fixed.
version 1.7.4 (Oct 31, 2011). Replaced all instances of typename ptrdiff_t with std::ptrdiff_t, as gcc 4.6 is picky enough to care.
1.7.3 (Aug 11, 2011). The more efficient version of Sequence::Recombination::Disequilibrium failed to set a flag in the return value, leading to duplicated output. Now fixed.
version 1.7.2 (Aug 11, 2011). The bugfix in 1.7.1 didn't really work. Implementation class data weren't fully-copied. That is now fixed
version 1.7.1 (Aug 3, 2011). Fixed bug in samrecord class. Copying of samrecords led to segfaults in previous versions, due to the private pointer-to-implementation-class not getting its data copied to the new object.
version 1.7.0 (December 13, 2010). A bug is fixed in the calculation of the number of states at a SNP when doing LD calculations. For monomorphic sites, the old version had problems. Also, an initial release of sam/bam record parsing is included (Sequence/sam*.hpp)
version 1.6.9 (June 25,2010) A bug is fixed in calculation of haplotype diversity. When there is considerable missing data in a sequence file, this statistic was severely under-estimated. Previous analyses using this statistic on real data should be re run.
version 1.6.8 (March 29, 2009) Implemented a much more efficient means of calculating basic LD statistics. This is not (yet) available through the PolySNP/PolySIM classes yet, but must be accessed via the header file Sequence/Recombination.hpp
version 1.6.7 (March 24, 2009) Implemented a safer iteration through coalescent histories, in light of a recent bug in "ms", on which my routine was based. Also implemented a "max marker distance" for LD calculations. NOTE: This version is binary-incompatible with previous releases, meaning any software depending on libsequence should be recompiled.
version 1.6.6 (Feb 4, 2009) Updated to be compile cleanly with gcc 4.3.x.
version 1.6.5 (Nov. 29, 2007) Updated math function calls to C99 standard. Should compile find on Apple's "Leopard" operating system now.
version 1.6.4 (Jun 19, 2007). Fixed bug where haplotype statistics for SNP data were incorrectly calculated in some cases. When alignment columns containing polymorphic sites also contain a mix of upper- and lower-case letters, the extra case was incorrectly detected as an extra haplotype. This affected the following statistics: # haplotypes, haplotype diversity, Wall's statistics, and Hudson's (1987) estimator of 4Nr.
version 1.6.3 (Jun 22, 2006). Several changes. Templates for coalescent simulation should now be much more flexible with respect to random number generators. Also, the new design allows them to work with boost::bind + GSL routines, simplifying life quite a bit. Code for Hudson's Snn test has been added, as well as code for simulating Coop & Griffiths-style trajectories of beneficial alleles.
version 1.6.2 (March 5, 2006). Three bugs fixed. First, in the FST module, when there are lots of populations, the sum of all the population weights was sometimes detected as not summing to 1, when they actually did. The bug was not accounting for numerical precision, which is now fixed. Second, a rare segfault in the sliding window module (PolyTableSlice.hpp) is now fixed. Third, pairwise LD statistics were being calculated incorrectly in the presence of an outgroup. Now fixed.
version 1.6.1 (Jan 6, 2006). New summary statistics added for SNP data. Some example demographic models for coalescent simulations added (see header Sequence/Coalescent/DemographicModels.hpp). Five bugs fixed: 1.) src/ Fixed bug in init_sample. Regions with 0 "sites" now have the last "site" in the chromosome labelled 0, which is correct. Previously, it was labelled 1.
2.) src/ Fixed minor error in calculation of f_hat which was pointed out by Andy Kern. I was taking the mean(f_hat) across loci as the estimate, rather than following equation 5 of the HKA paper closely enough. The effect was small, and estiamtes of theta and T_hat were unaffected or affected only very little, repsectively.
3.) src/ Fixed glitch in calculation of ThetaW. When totMuts==false, only the number of bi-allelic SNPs was used in the numerator of ThetaW. Now, the total number of variable sites is used, as intended.
4.) src/ (affects calculation of LD statistics): In the calculation of D', the 11 gamete was ancestral/ancestral, rather than derived/derived. This is now fixed to match the documentation.
5.) src/ in function total_time_on_arg, there was a bug leading to an exception always being thrown. This was due to an inequality being tested as < , when > was what was intended.
version 1.6.0 (Oct 15, 2005). In class PolySNP, summary statistics that require outgroup data now return "nan" when the outgroup is not present. Bug fix: when a PolySNP/PolySIM object was constructed from a SimData object that has 0 segregating sites, the value of 0 was returned for number of haplotypes. It now correctly returns 1.
version 1.5.9 (Sept 21, 2005) more efficient placing of mutations on simulated genealogies. class SimData can now be used as a base class. Note: binary compatibility broken w/previous versions!
version 1.5.8 (July 21, 2005) fixed memory leak introduced in 1.5.7
version 1.5.7 (July 19, 2005) more efficient crossover routine for coalescent simulation. Bug fixed in Sequence::SimpleSNP that lead to some columns mistakenly getting dropped on input.
version 1.5.6 (Jun 15, 2005). No bugfixes. A function in namespace Sequence::Alignment is no longer recursive. Library source can now be configured to generate cpu-specific optimizations on G4 and G5 powerpc systems running OS X with gcc.
version 1.5.5 (Jun 9, 2005). Bugfix in Sequence::PolySNP where preprocessing was not correctly applied. The effect of the bug was that some results would be incorrect when performed in certain orders. This affected no programs that I have written and distribute, and analysis of simulated data (using Sequence::PolySIM) was unaffected. In short, it shouldn't have hurt anybody. The non-const operator[] of Sequence::PolyTable now sets non_const_access to true (this fixes a minor bug, which again will rarely affect anything because most operations in the library are on const PolyTables).
version 1.5.4 (May 27, 2005). Major new additions. Old coalescent simulation code is removed. New types and functions allowing simulations with recombination added. changes in support for random number generators implemented (boost-based stu ff removed in favor of the GNU scientific library). This release breaks runtime compatibility.
version 1.5.3 (April 21, 2005) bug in PolySNP::ThetaPi() (i.e. calculation of pi for sequence data) where sites in tables where all but 1 individual had missing data were not handled correctly
version 1.5.2 (April 8, 2005) The bugfix in 1.5.1 was incomplete. Now fixed and tested.
version 1.5.1 (April 5, 2005). Bugfix in sliding window code for non-overlapping windows along the DNA sequence. New example code. Cleanup to code base so that .cc files compile without preprocessor macros.
version 1.5.0 (Jan 11, 2005). Several minor bugfixes: implicit typenames fixed so that library now compiles under gcc 3.4, a bug in the documentation of the formula for PolySNP::ThetaPi() is now corrected, <ieeefp.h> is now included in the HKA source code for systems that have that header (i.e. cygwin), and the estimate of the sample variance in <Sequence/descriptiveStats.hpp> is now unbiased (i.e uses n-1 rather than n in the denominator). In addition, there is a policy change in the calculation of several summary statistics in the classes Sequence::PolySNP and Sequence::PolySIM. When a summary statistic is undefined, the value nan (not a number) is now returned.
version 1.4.9 (Dec 3, 2004). Minor bug in HKA code node fixed. That probably affected nobody, as I don't distribute any programs that depend on it. In addition, several issues with compiling under gcc 3.4 were fixed. These were not related to algorithms, etc., but rather involed non-standard declarations and such.
version 1.4.8 (Nov 3, 2004) – Major bug in counting derived states fixed in Sequence::PolySNP. Analyses using previous versions of the library should be repeated. Analysis of coalescent sim data (using Sequence::PolySIM) was not affected.
version 1.4.7 (Oct 7, 2004) Class Sequence::PolySIM now correctly sets both Wall's B and Q to -1 if there are < 2 segregating sites. Previously, only Wall's B was set correctly
version 1.4.6 (Oct 6, 2004) Fixed bug in HKA calculations where the poly data in species 1 had 0 seg sites. Sequence::SimpleSNP now does better checking of its input. PolyTableSlice (aka "sliding windows") now stores windows both with and without segregating sites.
version 1.4.5 (Aug 22, 2004). Bugs fixed: The output shift operator for template class AlignStream now takes a const reference. The input routines for SimParams now reserve memory, which seems to have fixed a rare crash on OS X systems.
New features: Sequence/HKA.hpp provides an interface to calculating the HKA test of Hudson, Kreitman, and Aguade.
The class Sequence::PolySIM (Sequence/PolySIM.hpp) is now much more efficient, due to a reorganization of code in the base class Sequence::PolySNP (Sequence/PolySNP.hpp). In some applications, calculations can be up to 1/3 faster. The reorganization of code breaks binary compatibility with previous library versions.
Sequence::SimParams (Sequence/SimParams.hpp) now has a member function fromfile(FILE *), mimicing that of Sequence::SimData.
version 1.4.4 (Jul 8, 2004) : minor bugfix. All files that use toupper now include <cctype>
version 1.4.3 (Jun 4, 2004) :
version 1.4.2 (May 14, 2004) – several bug fixes & new features: *removal of unused variables in several place *efficiency improvement in Sequence::NumDiffs() (in Comparisons.hpp) *updated Sequence::uniform (in BoostRandomNumbers.hpp) so that it compiles and is compatible with std::random_shuffle *new functions added to namespace Alignment and PolyTableFunctions.hpp *added several new headers providing template functions for simple statistics *fixed some bugs in Sequence::SimpleSNP (sample size now printed correctly upon output when there is an outgroup) *fixed bug in Recombination::Disequilibrium (frequency filter now works, case-insensitivity implemented). And, for D and D', the 11 gamete type is in terms of the minor (or derived) allele *fixed use of assert() to deal with compiler warnings
version 1.4.1 (Apr 26, 2004) – Many bug fixes!
version 1.4.0 (Apr 16, 2004) –
version 1.3.9 (Apr 12, 2004) – version 1.3.8 had a bug where the Translate function printed all the codons it processed to stdout. That's fixed in this version. Also fixed a design flaw where output for PolyTables did not work in const contexts.
version 1.3.8 (Apr 08, 2004) : 2 bug fixes: The first was in Sequence::PolyTable::Binary(), and resulted in the binary-format data not being assigned to the object. The second bug was in Sequence::SimData, and resulted in "ms output" being read in incorrectly when using C++-style input. The member function SimData::fromstdin(), which uses C-style input for speed, however, worked just fine. Other new features include :
version 1.3.7 (Feb 11, 2004) : Sequence::SimData has 2 changes. First: you can now say while(cin >> d) {} and it works as expected, where d is an instance of SimData. Two, SimData::fromstdin() now returns the return value from the C function fscanf, which makes checking for end of input more robust. Also, the class Sequence::uniform in <Sequence/BoostRandomNumbers.hpp> had it's declaration changed to be compatible with old and new verions of boost.
version 1.3.6 (Feb 02, 2004) : new constructor for PolyTable, allowing construction from a range of PolyTable::const_site_iterator. New classes in <Sequence/shortestPath.hpp> to aid in dealing w/differences between codons.
version 1.3.5 (Jan 19, 2004) – Bugfix: PolySNP::Minrec() was returning a value for the Rmin statistic that was incorrect for a small number of data sets. This has been fixed. Other changes : random number system added, based on boost classes. Autoconf macros now work properly at creating #define's for needed headers.
version 1.3.4 (Jan 12, 2004) – Binary compatibility broken w/previous version. PolyTable column iterators added. New function PolyTable::RemoveAmbiguous added. Ka/Ks code cleaned up. See ChangeLog and manual for details. Sequence::Seq now inherits from std::pair<std::string,std::string>, and various template functions were updated to accomodate that. Template memebers added to Sequence::PolyTable. Requires boost ( to compile.
version 1.3.3 (Nov 1, 2003) – Exception specifications added. Development headers now included in subdirectory Sequence (so you now need to say things like (#include <Sequence/Fasta.hpp>).
version 1.3.2 (August 7, 2003) – Yesterday's release forgot to include the iterator types for Sequence::AlignStream<T>. Here they are. The soname of the shared library is unchanged, since no one downloaded 1.3.1 yet :).
version 1.3.1 (August 6, 2003) – updated to autoconf 2.5. added new iterator type to Sequence::PolyTable. soname changed to 12:0:0. Sequence::FST updated.
version 1.3.0 (July 9, 2003) – Bugfix for Sequence::Comparisons::NumDiffs(). Function now skips missing data as it should. The bug was due to a rewrite of the fxn several versions ago.
version 1.2.9 (Jun 21, 2003) – Bugfix for PolySNP::ThetaW(). Caused the denominator to be incorrectly calculated. It only occured when running my 'compute' program (from analysis 0.4.8) on several files at once. May have been gcc-3.3 specific, but now it works more generally.
version 1.2.8 (Jun 1, 2003) – no major changes, so no particular need to update to this version. Restores compatibility with gcc 2.95
version 1.2.7 (Jun 1, 2003) – added label(unsigned) to Sequence::Hudson2001. Also fixed a preprocessor bug that prevented SeqUtilitites.hpp from being included. No programs were affected by that bug. Also cleaned up example code.
version 1.2.6 (May 21, 2003) – Two things. One, a bug in PolySNP::ThetaH is fixed which resulted in the value of the statistic being about 6 times too large. (Calculation of ThetaH for simulated was fine). Second, several substantial speed improvements were made to class PolySNP, which speed up the analysis of sequence data. First, calculation of Rmin is no longer recursive, which led to a 10-fold speed up on my machine. Second, a preprocessing of the frequency spectrum now allows summary stastics to be calculated in linear time (at the cost of a bit more memory).
version 1.2.5 – fixed missing #include<cassert> in
version 1.2.4 – Several bugfixes. PolySNP::WallStats went beyond array bounds for the number of segsites < 2. This is now fixed, and -1 is returned for the statistics, indicating not applicable. Also, several missing #include directives were added to source files, which should make compilers more happy (don't know why gcc 3.3 wasn't complaining, but 2.95 did complain).
version 1.2.3 – Bugfix release for OS X systems. Sequence::PolyTable::Assign(double *, unsigned, char **, unsigned) ran into an issue where the c++ compiler on OS X does not seem to generate standard-compliant code for vector<T>::assign(). A workaround was implemented.
version 1.2.2 – Template specializations of routines in namespace Sequence::Alignment are now provided for std::string. A bug causing a segfault was fixed in Sequence::Alignment::RemoveGaps<T>()
version 1.2.1 – loads of changes. Sequence::Poly is removed, replaced by Sequence::PolySNP and Sequence::PolySIM. Sequence::FST is added. see ChangeLog for details
version 1.2.0 – lots of changes, mostly internal to the code. See ChangeLog.
version 1.1.9 – lots of changes. Iterators added to Seq and PolyTable. See ChangeLog for details.
version 1.1.8 – Minimum # of recombination event and disequilibrium coefficients now work with sequence data.
version 1.1.7 – many changes, see ChangeLog for Details
version 1.1.6 – fixed bug in input routine for Hudson2001, resulting in occasional segfaults
version 1.1.5 – fixed bugs in PolyTable::RemoveMultiHits(),ApplyFreqFilter(), and RemoveMissing() that led to segfaults. Also, members of Poly that returned int now return unsigned int
version 1.1.4 – general code cleanup. Also, removed a simplification in the calculation of Sequence::Poly::ThetaW(SimData *)
version 1.1.3 – added Sequence::MS_Interface::empty()
version 1.1.2 – fixed simple bug in output of Sequence::SimParams
version 1.1.1 – lots of new stuff added to PolyTable. OS X compatibility with g++ 3.1 is now working!
version 1.0.9 – fixed bug in Sequence::PolySites::print() where position of first seg site was off by 1
version 1.0.8 – D' added back to Sequence::Recombination::Disequilibrium()
version 1.0.7 – removed D' statistic from Sequence::Recombination::Disequilibrium until a correct version of the code can be written (I found an error in the calculation and I don't have time to fix it right now)
version 1.0.6 – generalized Poly::ThetaW(PolyData) to handle missing data. fixed several documentation bugs.
version 1.0.5 – fixed a problem in that prevented compiling on Sun systems (did not affect output, just compiling)
version: 1.0.4 – fixed bug in processing simulation output when segstites = 0. Also added a new method to Sequence::SimData that really speeds up input, see manual for details
version: 1.0.3 – stable, things work well :) NOTE: a bug has been found in Sequence::SimData that causes a segfault when there are 0 segregating sites in the output. Fix coming soon.