libsequence  1.9.5
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 Alignment.hppDeclaration of namespace Sequence::Alignment
 AlignmentTest.ccUnit tests for fxns in namespace Sequence::Alignment
 AlignStream.hppDeclaration of virtual base class for alignment streams (Sequence::AlignStream)
 AlignStreamTest.ccUnit tests for Sequence::ClustalW and Sequence::phylipData
 allele_counts.hppCount alleles at variable sites
 alphabets.ccUnit tests for Sequence/SeqAlphabets.hpp
 classics.hpp"Classic" summaries of variation data
 Clustalw.hppDeclaration of Sequence::ClustalW streams
 Coalescent.hppA lazy header to include the headers needed to start writing simulations. Includes: <Sequence/Coalescent/SimTypes.hpp> <Sequence/Coalescent/Coalesce.hpp> <Sequence/Coalescent/Recombination.hpp> <Sequence/Coalescent/Mutation.hpp> <Sequence/Coalescent/Initialize.hpp> <Sequence/Coalescent/DemographicModels.hpp> <Sequence/Coalescent/FragmentsRescaling.hpp>
 CodonTable.hppFacility to count codons in CDS sequence, function Sequence::makeCodonUsageTable
 Comeron95.hppDeclaration of Sequence::Comeron95 to calculate Ka/Ks
 Comparisons.hppDelcaration of routines for comparing DNA sequences This file declares a set of functions useful for comparing two bits of sequence data–sequences, nucleotides, etc
 ComplementBase.hppDelcaration of Sequence::ComplementBase, a function object to return the complement of a DNA nucleotide
 CountingOperators.hppDeclarations of operators to add associative containers together
 descriptiveStats.hppClasses and functions for calculating descriptive statistics of lists of random variables
 Fasta.hppDeclaration of Sequence::Fasta streams
 fastq.hppFASTQ class
 FragmentsRescaling.hppHelper functions for simulating partially linked fragments One often wants to simulate partially linked fragments under neutral models. An efficient way to do this is to simulate a contiguous fragment, but with the recombination rate varying along the region (to represent the variable genetic distances between fragments). This header file declares functions that make this task easier, particularly the operations of rescaling the positions of mutations/marginal trees from the genetic map back to the physical map
 FST.hppDelcaration of a class (Sequence::FST) to analyze population structure
 garud.hppH1, H12, and H2/H1 stats
 generic.hppGeneric utilities for calculating summary statistics
 Grantham.hppGrantham's distances (Sequence::Grantham)
 GranthamWeights.hppDeclaration of classes to weight codons by Grantham distance (i.e. for Sequence::Comeron95). Declares Sequence::GranthamWeights2 and Sequence::GranthamWeights3
 HKA.hppCalculations related to the HKA test
 Kimura80.hppDeclaration of Sequence::Kimura80
 nsl.hppNSL and iHS
 nvariablesites.hppCalculate total numbers of polymorphisms
 PathwayHelper.hppDeclarations of Sequence::Intermediates2 and Sequence::Intermediates3
 phylipData.hppSequence::phylipData – read in phylip alignments
 PolyFunctional.hppA collection of function objects for SNP analysis
 PolySIM.hppDeclaration of Sequence::PolySIM, a class to analyze coalescent simulation data
 PolySites.hppSequence::PolySites, generates polymorphism tables from data
 polySiteVector.hppSite-major variation tables in ASCII format
 polySiteVector_test.ccExamples of using Sequence::polySiteVector
 polySiteVectorTest.ccUnit tests for Sequence::polySiteVector
 PolySNP.hppDeclaration of Sequence::PolySNP, a class to analyze SNP data
 PolyTable.hppSequence::PolyTable, a virtual base class for polymorphism tables
 PolyTableBadBehavior.ccUnit test for really bad things
 PolyTableFunctions.hppOperations on non-const Sequence::PolyTable objects
 PolyTableSliceTest.ccTests for Sequence/PolyTableSlice.hpp
 Recombination.hppNamespace Sequence::Recombination
 RedundancyCom95.hppClass Sequence::RedundancyCom95
 Seq.hppClass Sequence::Seq, an abstract base class for Sequences
 Seq8test.ccUnit tests for Sequence/Seq.hpp
 SeqEnums.hppDefinition of enumeration types
 SeqRegexes.hppVarious useful rexex-based functions for dealing with data. Declares Sequence::basic_dna_alphabet,Sequence::full_dna_alphabet, Sequence::pep_alphabet, and the function Sequence::validSeq
 SeqUtilities.hppDeclaration of Sequence::makeCountList (an alternative to Sequence::stateCounter), Sequence::internalGapCheck
 shortestPath.hppRoutines to find the shortest distance between any 2 codons, using Grantham's distance. Declares the class Sequence::shortestPath, and the functions Sequence::mutsShortestPath and Sequence::diffType
 SimData.hppDeclaration of Sequence::SimData, a class representing polymorphism data from coalescent simulations generated under an infinite-sites scheme
 SimParams.hppSequence::SimParams reads in the parameters of Dick Hudon's coalescent simulation program. Used in conjunction with Sequence::SimData
 SimpleSNP.hppDeclaration of Sequence::SimpleSNP, a polymorphism table stream in a "spreadsheet" format
 SimTypes.hppDeclaration of types for coalescent simulation
 SingleSub.hppUsed by Sequence::Comeron95, class Sequence::SingleSub calculates divergence between codons that differ at one site
 Sites.hppClass Sequence::Sites calculates the length of a pairwise alignment between coding sequences in terms of site degeneracy. Used by Sequence::Comeron95
 Specializations.ccDefinitions of template specializations for library functions
 stateCounter.hppDeclaration of Sequence::stateCounter, a class to keep track of nucleotide counts either at a site in an alignment, or along a sequence
 summstats.hppInclude all summary statistic functions and types
 testAlleleCountMatrix.ccTests for Sequence/VariantMatrix.hpp
 testClassicSummstats.ccUnit tests for pop gen summary statistics
 testClassicSummstatsEmptyVariantMatrix.ccUnit tests for pop gen summary statistics
 testGarudStatistics.ccUnit tests for H1, H12, H2/H1 stats
 testLD.ccUnit tests for LD-related calculations
 thetah.hppFay and Wu's $\hat\theta_H$
 thetal.hppZeng et al. $\hat\theta_L$
 thetaw.hppWatterson's theta
 ThreeSubs.hppUsed by Sequence::Comeron95, class Sequence::ThreeSubs calculates divergence between codons that differ at three sites
 Translate.hppDeclares Sequence::Translate,a function to translate CDS sequences into peptide sequences
 Translate2.hppDeprecated header declaring routines to translate sequences. Including it includes the current header and issues a compiler warning
 TwoSubs.hppUsed by Sequence::Comeron95, class Sequence::TwoSubs calculates divergence between codons that differ at two sites
 typedefs.hppTypedefs used by libsequence
 Unweighted.hppDeclares Sequence::Unweighted2 and Sequence::Unweighted3
 util.hppHelper functions for implementing summary statistics
 VariantMatrixTest.ccTests for Sequence/VariantMatrix.hpp
 WeightingSchemes.hppAbstract interface to weighting schemes when codons differ at 2 positions